that和as的区分"Tom is such a strange boy as no one understan."中的“as”能换成“that”吗?为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:58:49
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that和as的区分"Tom is such a strange boy as no one understan."中的“as”能换成“that”吗?为什么?
"Tom is such a strange boy as no one understan."中的“as”能换成“that”吗?为什么?

that和as的区分"Tom is such a strange boy as no one understan."中的“as”能换成“that”吗?为什么?
在这句话中as不能用that来替换.因为当定语从句的先行词被such,the same,so修饰的时候,定语从句的引导词在从句中做主语,宾语,或者表语的时候,从句的关系词要用as

Tom is such a strange boy as no one understand him.
Tom is such a strange boy that no one understand him.
The grammar rule allows you to do so.

the same 通常和that 和as 连用。the same       that         意思是同一物the same       as          意思是类似,相像的。your carema is the same __that____i brought.你的相机就是我买的那个。your carema is the same ___as___i brought.你的相机和我买...


the same 通常和that 和as 连用。the same       that         意思是同一物the same       as          意思是类似,相像的。your carema is the same __that____i brought.你的相机就是我买的那个。your carema is the same ___as___i brought.你的相机和我买的一样。 在定语从句中,which、as和that都属于关系代词,which在从句中指事或物,做从句的主语、宾语或定语,也可指整个主句;as引导定语从句时,定语从句可放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。那么什么时候用which、什么时候用as呢?      as和which都引导非限定性定语从句,用来修饰或限定整个主句的内容,有时可以互换。eg.                  1.He  failed in the English examination,as&#47;which his parents expcted.                  2.He is a Beijinger,as&#47;which I know from his accent.             但在下列情况下,as和which不可互换:       一.关系代词引导的定语从句放在主句之前时,只能用as。  eg.                 1. As we know now,the earth travels around the sun.                      2.As I explained in the phone,your require will be considered at the next meeting.      二.as引导的定语从句,在语意上和主句的语意一致;否则就用which。eg.                 1.He won the first price in the conpetationas his parents expected.(语意一致)                  2.He won the first price in the competation2840which his parents didn&#39;texpected.(语意相反)     三.As引导的定语从句后常用被动句,如:be known、be side、be reported、be announced等;而主动句中则常用which引导从句。eg.                   1.As has been knoen to allohe is the best in English.                  m玻粒蟆。椋蟆。螅幔椋洌铮酰颉。牛睿纾欤椋螅琛。簦澹幔悖瑁澹颉。椋蟆。帷。簦幔欤臁。恚幔睿    ∷模窍薅ㄐ远ㄓ锎泳涫欠穸ň涫保鳎瑁椋悖枰即泳洹#澹纾                   。保樱瑁濉。椋蟆。幔欤鳎幔蟆。螅瑁铮鳌。铮妫妗。瑁澹颉。悖欤铮簦瑁澹蟆。椋睢。穑酰猓欤椋悖鳎瑁椋悖琛。鳎濉。洌铮睿Γ#常梗唬簟。欤椋耄濉。幔簟。幔欤欤                  。玻裕瑁濉。恚铮簦瑁澹颉。铮妫簦澹睢。穑颍幔椋螅澹蟆。瑁澹颉。悖瑁椋欤洌颍澹睿鳎瑁椋悖琛。簦瑁濉。悖瑁椋欤洌颍澹睢。洌铮嘞氯模荆?


不能换,不过可以这么说Tom is so strange a boy that no one……

that和as的区分Tom is such a strange boy as no one understan.中的“as”能换成“that”吗?为什么? Su Hai is as o____ as Su Yang.填空 what和that的区分 Su Yang,is,me,as,as,tall连词成句 su...that与such...that的区别 请问It is a time 后面只能加when吗?that行吗?由the same 修饰的先行词在定语从句中,as和that都能做先行词吗?怎么区分? 1.Jim can't run as fast as Mike(保持原句意思) Mike___ ____ ____Jim.2.We usually go camping in spring.(用last spring改写句子)We___ ____camping last spring.3.Su Hai is taller than Su Yang.(保持原句意思)Su Yang is ___ ___Su Hai.4.Tom 1.I'd like to buy the same book ____ was read by Tom yesterday.A.which C.that D.B or C2.keep away from such things____ will do you B.that which D.which请讲一讲为什么?as 和which和that在定于从句中怎么区分用法啊 This is Tom和He is Tom的区别!急用! Su Hai is as______(tall) as Su Yang.填空!还有第六个怎么说 Tom is as old as Mary.Tom is___ ___ ___Mary 没有图时,that和this的具体区别(That is Tom/This isTom) 选哪个? boy,su yang,is,that,who,tree,the,under? 看句意填单词tom is not tall,he is a____boy用( )里给的单词填正确形式the weather is getting___( warm)now.the book is_________than that one.A,as big as B,as bigger as C,big than D,so bigger as E,ger as Is Tom as hard-working as Sam?这句话正确吗?我想表达的是 汤姆和塞姆一样努力(勤奋)吗? 句型转换.1.The boy is soyoung that he can not go to school.The boy is ____ ____ _____ go to school .(同义句)2.Tom is as tall as Jim.(改为否定句)Tom is not ____ tall _____Jim.根据句意和首字母填空.1.In our class ,bikes and buses a 怎么区分定语从句和同位语从句?怎么简便地区分定语从句和同位语从句?比如有什么标志性的成分?另.请分析一下这个句子Do you have any idea ____ is actually going on in the classroom.A.that B.what D.which This is Su Yang 的同义句