
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:50:38
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1.As a consequence of the present global economic cricis,Boeing's major customer groups(airlines) are lacking in purchasing power.
2.As an US-based Coporation,it is not impossible that customer groups from enemy countries will turn to other suppliers,meanwhile,there is no much advantages when competing with those companies who are sheltered by local protective policies for Boeing.
3.The development in technologyies enable Boeing to produce better aircrafts,for instance,more saving in materials ,reduce the consume of ernegy and provide a safer,more comfortable riding enviroment.

1.The recent global financial crisis has dragged the aviation industry into a recession ,leading to insufficient purchasing power of the major customer group of Boeing(airline company)
2.Boeing's ...


1.The recent global financial crisis has dragged the aviation industry into a recession ,leading to insufficient purchasing power of the major customer group of Boeing(airline company)
2.Boeing's American identity may lead the loss of customer group from Anti-American coutries, meanwhile, it will be hard for Boeing to win an advantage over those companies under the protective umbrella of local policies.
3.The technological developments such as saving in material, lower energy consumption safer and more comfortable flight environment can help Boeing to build better planes.


(1)The current global economic crisis leads the airline industry to slump which makes Boeing's main customer groups (airline) lack purchasing power.
(2)As the Boeing is a company of the United St...


(1)The current global economic crisis leads the airline industry to slump which makes Boeing's main customer groups (airline) lack purchasing power.
(2)As the Boeing is a company of the United States, Boeing may lose , customers groups in the American hostile countries, meanwhile, the Boeing Company does not prevail in the competition in those policies of protecting local companies.
(3)The development of technology will enable Boeing to produce better aircrafts, such as in the material aspects of the economy, reducing energy consumption, as well as to provide safer and more comfortable flying environment.


都是强人啊!!我一个字也看不懂 呵呵

(1)The current global economic crisis led to the airline industry slump, so that Boeing's main customer groups (airline) lack of purchasing power.
(2)As the Boeing company in the United States, so...


(1)The current global economic crisis led to the airline industry slump, so that Boeing's main customer groups (airline) lack of purchasing power.
(2)As the Boeing company in the United States, so that Boeing may be the loss of the U.S. hostile countries, groups of customers, at the same time, the Boeing Company in those policies to protect local companies do not prevail in the competition.
(3)Technology will enable Boeing to create a better aircraft, such as in the material aspects of the economy, reduce energy consumption, as well as to provide safer and more comfortable flying environment


英语翻译1.目前全球经济危机导致航空业萧条,使的波音公司的主要顾客群体(航空公司)缺乏购买力.2.由于波音是美国的公司,使的波音公司可能流失美国敌对国家的顾客群体,同时,波音公司在 英语翻译翻译这句英语 什么导致了经济危机 中国目前面临哪些经济危机 人类活动导致全球变暖,请列举全球变暖目前带给我们的危害及灾害废话少说, 英语翻译目前全球的形势对我们有利(current,favorable) 我国怎样应对目前地缘政治和多极化世界政治格局对航空业的影响 美国经济危机如何引发全球金融危机 怎样看待席卷全球的经济危机 经济危机席卷全球翻译成英文 全球变暖会导致? 经济危机的英语翻译是什么 英语翻译经济危机 宏观调控 到目前为止,有过多少次全球性的经济危机?以及它们发生的时间,和导致其的原因和其的结果. 目前二氧化硫的污染和二氧化碳导致的全球变暖形势依然严峻.(1)二氧化硫污染物可选用下列试剂中的_目前二氧化硫的污染和二氧化碳导致的全球变暖形势依然严峻.(1)二氧化硫污染物 贫富差距指数超过多少会导致经济危机 到目前为止经济危机有哪些 英语翻译人类活动产生的温室气体几乎不可能会对全球气候产生任何影响,而目前全球升温的主要原因,是由于太阳活动强度增加所导致的.在过去的一个世纪里,太阳辐射强度一直呈现出前所未 什么会导致全球变暖