money can buy anything you want,but happiness.这句话这么写对吗在报纸上看到这句话 Money can buy your lots of materials,but not the happiness and joy.想把他改简单一点,哪位老师帮改一下。 money can buy anything but h

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:52:01
money can buy anything you want,but happiness.这句话这么写对吗在报纸上看到这句话 Money can buy your lots of materials,but not the happiness and joy.想把他改简单一点,哪位老师帮改一下。 money can buy anything but h
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money can buy anything you want,but happiness.这句话这么写对吗在报纸上看到这句话 Money can buy your lots of materials,but not the happiness and joy.想把他改简单一点,哪位老师帮改一下。 money can buy anything but h
money can buy anything you want,but happiness.这句话这么写对吗
在报纸上看到这句话 Money can buy your lots of materials,but not the happiness and joy.想把他改简单一点,哪位老师帮改一下。 money can buy anything but happiness 对吗

money can buy anything you want,but happiness.这句话这么写对吗在报纸上看到这句话 Money can buy your lots of materials,but not the happiness and joy.想把他改简单一点,哪位老师帮改一下。 money can buy anything but h
把原句的逗号和not 去掉就可以了.
也就是 Money can buy your lots of materials but the happiness and joy.
原句里but充当的应该是连词,用来连接两个并列的成分,并列的成分是your lots of materials和the happiness and joy这两个部分,它们充当的都是动词buy的宾语.
不过个人感觉把but换成except会更好一些,因为but强调的是前面所提到的,except强调的是后面提到的.也就是说用but,强调的是钱所能买到的your lots of materials这一部分,换成except的话强调的则是钱买不到的the happiness and joy这一部分.这样感觉更贴近原句的意思.
money can buy anything but happiness.除了happiness外health等也不是用money可以买到的,所以原句只用了 lots of 而不是anything of yours,而且原句提到的joy也没有了,这样对原句的变动有些太大,可能,我只是说可能,在考试的时候是不会给分的.