call for和ask for的区别《详细》

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call for和ask for的区别《详细》
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call for和ask for的区别《详细》
call for和ask for的区别《详细》

call for和ask for的区别《详细》
ask for 请求询问能不能去做的意思 ask for forgiveness 请求宽恕
call for 要求提倡去做的意思 We should call for economy 我们应该提倡节约

ask for请求,要求;寻找
ask for
1. 请求;要求;向…要…,需要:例句: He asked me politely for the book.
他彬彬有礼地向我要那本书。I asked for the hand of his daughter in marriage.
我请求娶他的女儿为妻。2. 要求见(某人);(通过询问来)寻找(某人),找(人):...


ask for请求,要求;寻找
ask for
1. 请求;要求;向…要…,需要:例句: He asked me politely for the book.
他彬彬有礼地向我要那本书。I asked for the hand of his daughter in marriage.
我请求娶他的女儿为妻。2. 要求见(某人);(通过询问来)寻找(某人),找(人):例句: Did anyone ask for me?
有人来找过我吗?The guest asked for the manager.
客人要见经理。3. [口语]自己招惹(不愉快的事):例句: He asked for all he got.
call for要求;需要;提倡;邀请;为…叫喊
call for
1. 要求:例句: He sat down and called for some beer.
他坐下来要了一些啤酒。The crew of the ship are calling for a raise in pay.
这艘轮船上的全体船员正在要求增加工资。2. 需要;必需:例句: To be a nurse calls for endurance and patience.
作一名护士需要有毅力和耐心。This good news calls for a celebration.
这个好消息值得庆祝一番。3. 去取;来取;去接;来接:例句: I'll call for you at seven.
七点我来接你。Shall we send these books, or will you call for them?
这些书是我们给您送去,还是您来取呢?4. 预期;预示:例句: The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight.
天气预报预示今夜有小雪。5. 规定:例句: The traffic regulations call for that all vehicles should keep to the right.
交通规则规定车辆一律靠右行驶。6. 大声叫喊要…:例句: The bricklayer on the roof was calling for more tiles.


call for,1.需求,需要,提倡。Success calls for hard work。成功要靠勤奋。2.来找某人。来取某物。3.为争取.....而呼喊。
ask for 要,要求

ask for
1. 请求;要求;向…要…,需要:例句: He asked me politely for the book.
他彬彬有礼地向我要那本书。I asked for the hand of his daughter in marriage.
我请求娶他的女儿为妻。2. 要求见(某人);(通过询问来)寻找(某人),找(人):例句: Did anyone ask f...


ask for
1. 请求;要求;向…要…,需要:例句: He asked me politely for the book.
他彬彬有礼地向我要那本书。I asked for the hand of his daughter in marriage.
我请求娶他的女儿为妻。2. 要求见(某人);(通过询问来)寻找(某人),找(人):例句: Did anyone ask for me?
有人来找过我吗?The guest asked for the manager.
客人要见经理。3. [口语]自己招惹(不愉快的事):例句: He asked for all he got.
call for
1. 要求:例句: He sat down and called for some beer.
他坐下来要了一些啤酒。The crew of the ship are calling for a raise in pay.
这艘轮船上的全体船员正在要求增加工资。2. 需要;必需:例句: To be a nurse calls for endurance and patience.
作一名护士需要有毅力和耐心。This good news calls for a celebration.
这个好消息值得庆祝一番。3. 去取;来取;去接;来接:例句: I'll call for you at seven.
七点我来接你。Shall we send these books, or will you call for them?
这些书是我们给您送去,还是您来取呢?4. 预期;预示:例句: The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight.
天气预报预示今夜有小雪。5. 规定:例句: The traffic regulations call for that all vehicles should keep to the right.
交通规则规定车辆一律靠右行驶。6. 大声叫喊要…:例句: The bricklayer on the roof was calling for more tiles.
