Which place is called the jewel of the world

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:47:13
Which place is called the jewel of the world
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Which place is called the jewel of the world
Which place is called the jewel of the world

Which place is called the jewel of the world

which place is the beautiful? Which is your favorite place ? 怎么回答? is this () we met each other two years ago.A where B place C place which D place in which is this () we met each other two years ago.A where B place C place which D place in which which city is the most comfortable place to live in? Which place is called the jewel of the world -Is this the place ____ you visited last year?( ) --when --which --where --in which Mount Song which lies in henan is a beautiful place 为什么用which 而不用where? Is this ____wo met them last night A where B place C place in which D place which [A]打不开HI!怎么办啊 是it is the place where i have been to 还是it is the place which i have been to there is no place where has no rubbish和there is no place which has no rubbish哪句正确 the place is xuzhou which the boy was born in is xuzhou这句话对吗? There is a supermarket in my neighborhood,which is a good place to s开头的 The park is the place to which he is going.这句话对吗? 译中Libya and Gaddafi,which is a name of a person,and which is a name of a place? earth is the place which you live on 为什么有一道题不能加on它的答案就是earth is the place which you live 英语翻译As the ocean warms up ,so does the air sitting above it.And as the air gets warmer,it rises,carrying lots of water vapor along with it.As the warm air rises,cooler air rushes in to take its place.And this circular movement of air is calle The place--you are going to visit is the ruin of a place为什么用which 随便翻译出来