internal control over accounting receivable的英文文章 带中文的最好

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internal control over accounting receivable的英文文章 带中文的最好
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internal control over accounting receivable的英文文章 带中文的最好
internal control over accounting receivable的英文文章 带中文的最好

internal control over accounting receivable的英文文章 带中文的最好
INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION GUIDE The material which follows was designed as an aid in reviewing internal controls. It consists of controls and suggestions for items which are recommended for the operation of an non-profit organization. GENERAL The following questions relate to the internal accounting controls of the overall organization. 1. Duties for key employees of the organization are defined. 2. An organization chart which sets forth the actual lines of responsibility. 3. Written procedures are maintained covering the recording of transactions. a. Covering an accounting manual b. Covering a chart of accounts 4. Procedures, chart of accounts, etc., provide for identifying receipts and expenditures of association dues or contributory funds by contributor. Account Number Guide: 001-049 Cash 150-299 Assets 576-599 Equity 050-099 Checking 300-399 Credit Cards 600-799 Income 100-149 Savings 400-575 Liability 800-999 Expense 5. The accounting system provide for accumulating and recording expenditures by cost category shown in the approved budget. 6. The organization maintain a policy manual covering a. approval authority for financial transactions and b. guidelines for controlling expenditures, such as purchasing requirements and travel authorizations. 7. There are procedures governing the maintenance of accounting records. a. Subsidiary records for accounts payable, accounts receivable, etc., are balanced with control accounts on a regular basis. b. Journal entries are approved and explained or supported. c. Accrual accounts provide adequate control over income and expense. d. Accounting records and valuables are secured in limited-access areas. 8. Duties are separated so that no one individual has complete authority over an entire financial transaction. 9. The organization use an operating budget to control funds by activity? 10. Controls are in place to prevent expenditure of funds in excess of approved, budgeted amounts. For example, purchase requisitions are reviewed against remaining amount in budget category. 11. The organization has obtained fidelity bond coverage for responsible officials? 12. Financial reports are prepared for required accounting periods? CASH RECEIPTS The following conditions are indicative of satisfactory controls over cash receipts. 1. The individual responsible for the cash receipts function does not sign checks or reconcile the bank accounts and is not responsible for noncash, accounting records, such as accounts receivable, the general ledger, or the general journal. 2. Receipts are deposited promptly and intact. Incoming mail: 1. Remittances are listed on a control sheet or other mechanical device for comparison with the bank deposit tickets. 2. Check remittances are restrictively endorsed by the person opening the mail. 3. The person receiving cash does not have the authority to sign checks and reconcile bank accounts and does not have access to accounting records other than cash receipts. BILLINGS AND RECEIVABLES The following conditions are indicative of satisfactory control over billing and receivables. 1. Detailed receivable records are periodically balanced with the general ledger control accounts. 2. An aged trial balance of receivables is periodically prepared and followup action is taken on overdue balances. 3. There are procedures to control the receipt of funds for miscellaneous transactions, such as (a) the sale or rental of property and equipment and (b) income from investments. 4. There are controls over advances to and receivables from employees. PURCHASING, RECEIVING AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE The following conditions are indicative of satisfactory control over purchasing, receiving, and accounts payable. 1. Prenumbered purchase orders are used for all items of cost and expense. 2. There are procedures to insure procurement at competitive prices. 3. Invoices are matched with purchase orders and receiving reports. 4. When accrual accounting is required, the organization has adequate controls, such as checklists for statement-closing procedures, to insure that open invoices and uninvolved amounts for goods and services received are properly accrued or recorded in the books or controlled through worksheet entries. 5. There is adequate segregation of duties in that different individuals are responsible for (a) purchase (b) receipt of merchandise or services, and (c) voucher approval. CASH DISBURSEMENTS The following conditions are indicative of satisfactory controls over cash disbursements. 1. Duties are adequately separated, different persons prepare checks, sign checks, reconcile bank accounts, and have access to cash receipts. 2. All disbursements are properly supported by evidence of receipt and approval of the related goods and services. 3. Blank checks are not signed. 4. Unissued checks are kept in a secure area. 5. Bank accounts are reconciled monthly. 6. Bank accounts and check signers are authorized by the board of directors or trustees. 7. Petty cash vouchers are written in ink and are required for each fund disbursement. 8. Petty cash is reimbursed by check and disbursements are reviewed at that time. PAYROLL The following conditions are indicative of satisfactory controls over payroll. 1. Written authorizations are on file for all employees, covering rates of pay, withholdings, and deductions. 2. The organization has written personnel policies covering job descriptions, hiring procedures, promotions, and dismissals. 3. Adequate timekeeping procedures, including the use of timeclocks or attendance sheets and supervisory review and approval, are employed for controlling paid time. 4. Other key payroll and personnel duties, such as timekeeping, salary authorization, and personnel administration, are adequately separated. 5. Procedures are adequate for controlling (a) overtime wages, (b) overtime work authorization, and (c) supervisory approval of overtime. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT The following conditions are indicative of satisfactory control over property and equipment. 1. The organization have established policies covering capitalization and depreciation. 2. Executive authorization and approvals are required for originating expenditures for capital items. 3. There are detailed records showing the asset values of individual units of property and equipment. 4. Detailed property records are periodically checked by physical inventory. 5. Differences between book records and physical counts are reconciled and the records are adjusted to reflect shortages.

internal 请问下internal control是什么意思 internal control evaluation questionnaire和internal control questionnaire internal control questionaires,narrative notes,checklist等一些审计词汇internal control questionaires,narrative notes,checklist internal 英语翻译The evolutionary process of developing a generally accepted definition and framework of internal control was realized in 1992 with the publication of a landmark report on internal control:Internal Control - Integrated Framework,referred t internal locus of control 的具体意思是什么啊?希望可以给出罗宾斯的答案! flowchart ,narrative notes ,internal control questionnaire ....另外,这些东西都怎么用的? internal control over accounting receivable的英文文章 带中文的最好 求一篇英文文献 The Modern Industrial Revolution,Exit,and the Failure of Internal Control Systems Control control 英语翻译In order to comply with the operating policies and procedures under which SCB operates,Supplier must maintain an effective internal control environment.This will include the operation of an internal audit function.Supplier must ensure tha ove is color i ove you是什么意思 英语翻译Career selfefficacy is associated with many psychosocial factors,such as self-esteem,anxiety and internal locus of control(Miranda & Umhoefer,1998; Muris,2002). 英语翻译1) Prepare QMS document;2) Daily document control;3) Conduct internal quality audit according to audit plan;4) Non conforming service monitoring and control;5) Follow up and verify correction action and preventive action;6) Communicate an internal是什么意思 internal是什么意思