求“body language”的对话求一段有关"body language"的对话,20句左右!挺伤脑筋的咯!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:57:47
求“body language”的对话求一段有关
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求“body language”的对话求一段有关"body language"的对话,20句左右!挺伤脑筋的咯!
求“body language”的对话
求一段有关"body language"的对话,20句左右!挺伤脑筋的咯!

求“body language”的对话求一段有关"body language"的对话,20句左右!挺伤脑筋的咯!
Examples Of Body Language
Brisk, erect walk Confidence
Standing with hands on hips Readiness, aggression
Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Boredom
Sitting, legs apart Open, relaxed
Arms crossed on chest Defensiveness
Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched Dejection
Hand to cheek Evaluation, thinking
Touching, slightly rubbing nose Rejection, doubt, lying
Rubbing the eye Doubt, disbelief
Hands clasped behind back Anger, frustration, apprehension
Locked ankles Apprehension
Head resting in hand, eyes downcast Boredom
Rubbing hands Anticipation
Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed Confidence, superiority
Open palm Sincerity, openness, innocence
Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed Negative evaluation
Tapping or drumming fingers Impatience
Steepling fingers Authoritative
Patting/fondling hair Lack of self-confidence; insecurity
Tilted head Interest
Stroking chin Trying to make a decision
Looking down, face turned away Disbelief
Biting nails Insecurity, nervousness
Pulling or tugging at ear Indecision

Isabella: Matthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?
Matthew: Sure. I’ve picked up a few things from travelling around for work. Why?
I: Well, I had a mee...


Isabella: Matthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?
Matthew: Sure. I’ve picked up a few things from travelling around for work. Why?
I: Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn’t stop bowing! I didn’t know what to do!
M: Did you bow back?
I: No, I tried to shake her hand, but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended.
M: Well, Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan. She might have been offended by your strong handshake.
I: But she was in America! Shouldn’t she have known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect?
M: Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is considered rude.
I: Is that why she wouldn’t look at me in the meeting?
M: I think it’s highly possible, yes.
I: The meeting really didn’t go down well at all. I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country.
M: That’s a good idea. When you don’t know much about other cultures, the simplest thing can offend someone.
I: That’s so true. It’s great that we see eye to eye on this.
