
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 16:32:09
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1.defeat 击败,使遭受挫折,★强调过程和结果.
误:The enemy defeated in a decisive battle.
正:The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.
析:defeat 的实际意思不是“失败”、“战败”等,而是“击败(某人)”、“战胜(某人)”,它在现代英语中总是用作及物动词.所以这里应用被动语态.★只有及物动词才有被动语态哦!
→① be defeated 战败了(即被打败)
误:He won me at chess yesterday.
正:He defeated /beat me at chess yesterday.
析:defeat 和 win 都可表示“赢”,★但defeat总是以“人”作其宾语,而win则总是以“事物”(如比赛、奖品、战斗等)作其宾语.
→② defeat sb.战胜某人,击败某人﹙主动语态,胜者为主语﹚
如:I defeated the contest and won the prize.(X)
I defeated him in the contest and won the prize.(√)
In the competition,we have won.在比赛中,我们胜利了.
He won the Nobel Prize for physics.他获得诺贝尔物理学奖.
He won the first prize for his invention.他获得诺贝尔物理学奖.
★win + sth.( 赢的东西)
【区别】beat / defeat +sb( 失败的人)
【例如】我们赢了他们.不能说We won them.而应说We beat them.因为win的宾语不是竞争对手,而是比赛,战斗,奖品等.
【短语】win a victory获得胜利/ a game/ a match比赛获胜/ a prize获奖 the Oscar/获奥斯卡奖/ the war战争获胜/ praises获表扬/ a hundred pounds获得一百镑/ her respect赢得她的尊敬/ his friendship获得他的友谊
He was beaten black and blue.他被打得青一块紫一块[焦头烂额].
They were defeated in the football match.他们在足球赛中输了.
Our hopes were defeated.(使失败;使受挫)我们的希望破灭了.
The rain beat against the windows.(连续敲打)雨水拍打在窗户上.
Who won the race?I won but David came second.
We beat their team by 10 points.我们赢了他们队十分.(beat后接组织、团体)
In the end their army was defeat/beaten.最后他们的部队被击(打)败.
He ____all the competitors the English competition.
A.won B.beated C.defeated D.fought
应该选C.beat 后接某人,win 后接比赛或战斗、战争.他们赢了这场战争.
误:They beat the war. 正:They won the battle.我们打败了他.
误:We won him.正:We beat him in the war.在比赛中我击败了他而赢得奖品.
误:I defeated the contest and won the prize.
正:I defeated him in the contest and won the prize.
解析:win“赢得”,beat“击败”,defeat“打败,胜过”.win 的用法:win+事、物(作“赢得”解时,宾语不能接人).如:He soon won a reputation for himself.beat 的用法:beat+人(作“击败”解时,宾语只能接人).如 The problem beats me.defeat的用法:defeat+人(作“胜过”解时,只能接人为宾语).如:The Americans defeated the British at York-town,Virginia in 1781.

defeat [di'fi:t] vt.1. (在竞赛、选举、战斗等中)战胜,击败,打败:They defeated the enemy in the battle.他们在那次战斗中打败敌人。A British fleet defeated the French at Trafalgar.一支英国舰队在特拉法尔加击败了法国人。2. 挫败,使受挫折,使失败,使落空,使破灭:The early ret...


defeat [di'fi:t] vt.1. (在竞赛、选举、战斗等中)战胜,击败,打败:They defeated the enemy in the battle.他们在那次战斗中打败敌人。A British fleet defeated the French at Trafalgar.一支英国舰队在特拉法尔加击败了法国人。2. 挫败,使受挫折,使失败,使落空,使破灭:The early returns defeated her hopes of election.早期选举结果报告使她当选的希望落空。This kind of problem always defeats me.这类问题总是困惑着我。3. 剥夺,使失去:to defeat a man of an inheritance剥夺某人的继承权4. 【法律】使无效,使作废,废除;使败诉:a proposal approved by the committee but defeated at the general meeting在委员会上获得通过但在全体会议上受到挫折的一项提案5. [废语]败坏;破坏,毁灭n.1. (竞争中的)战胜,击败,打败2. 打倒,推翻;征服3. 失败;败北,战败;毁灭,覆灭4. 挫败,挫折,受挫,落空5. 【法律】无效;废除;败诉6. [废语]破坏,毁灭;破坏;败坏[亦作defeature]近义词:conquer .
defeat [di'fi:t] n.1. an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contestit was a narrow defeat the army's only defeat 2. the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goalsv.1. win a victory overdefeat your enemies 2. thwart the passage of以上来源于: WordNet

suffer defeat 遭受失败
down, get the best ofn.失败;战胜
failure, loss, losing, reverse, collapse
