
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:44:57
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In 1997 to China's financial reform in steady development,the financial sector in order to promote economic development and maintenance of society
Stability has played an important role.Financial industry from a single deposit functions development to adapt to the market economy requirement of modern financial system,promoted the economic growth and expand employment,become one of the important industry of the national economy.Since 2002 financial work has achieved remarkable results,the financial industry grows quickly,financial reform administrativesystem,financial functions to further play,financial field opening steadily expanded,the financial supervision and regulation by law construction improved notably,the entire financial industry historic changes have occurred in economic and social development,and plays an important role of supporting and promote.
The current financial field still exist many contradictions

1997 reform of China's financial sector stable development in the financial sector to promote economic development and safeguarding social
Stability played an important role. Financial sector lend...


1997 reform of China's financial sector stable development in the financial sector to promote economic development and safeguarding social
Stability played an important role. Financial sector lending and deposit functions from a single development to meet the requirements of a modern market economy and financial system, and effectively promoted economic growth and expanding employment, to become one of the important industries in the national economy. Financial work since 2002 has made significant achievements, the financial sector has expanded rapidly, significant steps towards financial reform, financial capabilities to further develop the financial sector to foreign steadily expanded, financial supervision and the legal system was strengthened, the entire financial industry has undergone historical changes in the economic and social development play an important role in supporting and promoting.
The current financial sector there are still many contradictions and problems, mainly financial system is not sound unreasonable financial structure, corporate governance and financial enterprises operating mechanisms are inadequate, increasing imbalance of international payments, but also a lot of financial risks. In this regard, we must attach great importance to take effective measures to solve them.


英语翻译一九九七年我国金融业在改革中平稳发展,金融业为促进经济发展和维护社会稳定发挥了重要作用.金融业从单一的存贷款功能发展为适应市场经济要求的现代化金融体系,有力地促进 英语翻译我国以加入世界贸易组织(WTO)为契机,积极推进金融业对外开放,全面推动了我国金融业的改革、创新和发展.而目前,我国金融业的对外开放程度还比较缓慢,给与金融业的保护相对 英语翻译加入世界贸易组织以后,我国将按照承诺逐步全方位开放金融业,外资银行必将凭借其先进的管理和成熟的经营,首先在业务上与国内银行业展开竞争.中间业务作为金融深化与金融业竞 建国60周年以来,我国金融业的发展状况 英语翻译【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展和我国金融业的开放,外资银行正在以多元化的手段争相进入我国市场,外资银行机构逐渐增多,业务不断扩大.在我国经济增长潜力巨大和金融服务需 英语翻译作为现代化经济发展的中枢,金融业在国民经济中的作用日益重要,但是随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,金融组织体系改革也必须不断加强。因此,必须构筑我国金融体系改革 人忘七年的英语翻译 英语翻译我国金融监管体系的缺陷及矫正[摘要] 金融是现代经济的核心,金融监管的稳健发展可以促进金融业以及整个经济的健康发展;反之则会制约它们的发展.无论是金融监管的理论发展 金融业VC 英语翻译在我国资本市场快速发展背景下为了使股指期货发挥出其应有功能,股指期货的推出对我国金融业的改革发展具有重大意义.尤其2008 年我国股市出现了持续低迷的状态,股指期货将成 我国为什么可以保持经济平稳较快发展 英语翻译信息化是21世纪我国现代化的重要标志,也是一个国家综合国力的重要表现.随着全球信息化的推进,我国金融信息化取得了巨大的成就,但金融信息化给金融业带来巨大好处的同时,也存 人在改革中 打一个字 英语翻译网上银行作为二十一世纪一种新兴的金融业,因其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,已越来越得到人们的重视.我国网上银行业务的发展十分迅速,逐渐成为个人和企业获得金融服务的一个重要 英语翻译金融全球化正成为国际金融业的一种主流发展趋势,如何界定金融全球化这一概念尚在探讨之中.我国银行业面临金融全球一体化的严峻挑战,该如何应对.本文主要就我过商业银行在 英语翻译自一九九七年第一个城管队伍诞生以来,城管执法在我国城市发展中发挥了重要的作用.南京作为江苏的省会城市,其城市经济的外向度和城市开放度不断提高,城市化和现代化的进程加 步伐平稳,可以稍快一些 用英语翻译 英语翻译女士们、先生们,  改革开放以来,我国的吸收外商投资工作取得了巨大成就,吸收外资额连续15年位居发展中国家首位.2007年吸收外资达到747亿美元,呈现平稳增长、结构优化、质量