请给我说说下面句的意思10.a freat deal of poor health in modern society may be attributed to heavy meals and light worl9. the secret of good health is to leave the table hungry ,the bed sleepy,and the tavern thirsty8.the only way to keep yo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:54:51
请给我说说下面句的意思10.a freat deal of poor health in modern society may be attributed to heavy meals and light worl9. the secret of good health is to leave the table hungry ,the bed sleepy,and the tavern thirsty8.the only way to keep yo
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请给我说说下面句的意思10.a freat deal of poor health in modern society may be attributed to heavy meals and light worl9. the secret of good health is to leave the table hungry ,the bed sleepy,and the tavern thirsty8.the only way to keep yo
10.a freat deal of poor health in modern society may be attributed to heavy meals and light worl
9. the secret of good health is to leave the table hungry ,the bed sleepy,and the tavern thirsty
8.the only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want,drink what you don't like ,and do whatever you'd rather not
7.many people poor health,not because of what they eat but from what is eating them
6.a lot of people lose their health trying to become wealthy,and then lose their riches trying to get their health back
5.if you want to be the picture of health,you'd better have a happy frame of mind
4.why not cultivate health instead of treating disease?
3.don't complain because you have to get up early every morning.the time may come when you can't gey up-period.
2.it is not healthy to be so interested in death
1.exercise is the best medicine

请给我说说下面句的意思10.a freat deal of poor health in modern society may be attributed to heavy meals and light worl9. the secret of good health is to leave the table hungry ,the bed sleepy,and the tavern thirsty8.the only way to keep yo
1 练习是最好的解药
2 对死亡这么感兴趣是不健康的
3 不要抱怨每天早起,总有一天你会不能早起的
4 与其治病不如保持健康
5 如果你想健康,最好保持良好的心态
6 许多人因为追求金钱而失去健康,因为找回健康而花掉金钱
7 许多人之所以穷,不是因为他们吃什么东西,而是什么在吃他们
8 保持健康的唯一方法是,食所不想食,饮所不想饮,为所不想为
9 健康的秘诀是多食多睡多饮
10 现代社会的许多身体不适往往是由于饮用难消化食物

9 。秘密的身体健康,是要离开餐桌,饿了,在床上昏昏欲睡,和酒馆渴
8 ,只有这样,才能让您的健康是吃什么你不想要,喝什么,你不喜欢,做什么你都宁愿不要
5 。...


9 。秘密的身体健康,是要离开餐桌,饿了,在床上昏昏欲睡,和酒馆渴
8 ,只有这样,才能让您的健康是吃什么你不想要,喝什么,你不喜欢,做什么你都宁愿不要
5 。你想成为画面的健康,你最好有一个愉快的心态


请给我说说下面句的意思10.a freat deal of poor health in modern society may be attributed to heavy meals and light worl9. the secret of good health is to leave the table hungry ,the bed sleepy,and the tavern thirsty8.the only way to keep yo 麻烦给我详细说说下面电路图的意思,特别是中间有正负极的三角形 请写出三句格言,并说说它的意思. 说说下面词语的意思! 请给我说说带有反义词的成语 看图,给我说说意思 下面两句语法对吗?1;have a drink,please2;have a drinking,please如果 不对,请说说为什么? 下面这句话有歧义,让人产生几种不同的理解.请说说会产生那几只种意思.爸爸看见我不高兴. make dumplings himself什么意思请给我一个关于此句的句型. 有多少女人下面没毛或者少毛给我说说你的 函数的无界性怎么定义~请大才子给我用白痴的方法说一下,在给我说说于有界性是什么区别,不要把书上那句定义抄下来给我 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后文言文阅读1联系原文,解释下面句中“其”的意思. 2 请用横线在原文画出蝉螳螂黄雀具有的共同特点快快,我会给分 频率副词出现句中只能是一般现在时吗?我的意思是别的时态可以吗?请详细说说比如说 he usually spoke english 炉中煤 请给“你也不要辜负了我的思量”中的“思量”一词注音,并说说这个词所要表达的意思. 请写出先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐.这句名言的意思.注意,是意思.不要给我跑题了哦! 她的回信想表达什么意思呢?我和她没见过面的,这是我和她在世纪佳缘上交流的信件,她回我的信表达的意思比较含蓄,请大家帮我确认下她想表达什么? 下面是她回给我的的信件:你的那句- 请帮我把读后的体会给我说说 请说说险象迭生的意思.