雅思作文,求修改建议并评分~Subject :As technology develops,more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent.Is this a positive or a negative development?Today,human civilisati

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:30:57
雅思作文,求修改建议并评分~Subject :As technology develops,more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent.Is this a positive or a negative development?Today,human civilisati
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雅思作文,求修改建议并评分~Subject :As technology develops,more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent.Is this a positive or a negative development?Today,human civilisati
Subject :As technology develops,more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent.Is this a positive or a negative development?
Today,human civilisation has leapt into a hi-tech age,which means increasing individuals gradually tend to interest in online shopping,as well as online business.As a consequence,there are less opportunities for “face to face” communication among the individuals.
There is no doult that a new business model,the e-business,has penetrated into the various aspects of people’s life,which benefits us a lot,not only in terms of business but also in terms of customers.More precisely,doing business online definitely could afford a tremendous market,which would stimulate the sales of products to a large extent.Also,with the powerful Internet,the time is shrunk and the efficiency is boosted,offering a prominent advantage to the business at the moment,when the time and the efficiency is considered as funds in the keen battlefield of commerce.On the other hand,online shopping surely has become a sweeping trend which sways numourous buyers’ consuming notion,as well as shaped a rapid brand-new approach for consuming.As is known to us,the products online are always cheaper,and it is more convenient for us to find the things in need,regardless of time and places.
However,the boosting of e-business has given rise to the decline of “face to face” contacts in real life.Thus,some people fear that this fact probably would alienate people from each other,for that the virtual Internet could not support the relations.But overall,to keep relations,whether could meet frequently or not does not matter,what matters is our sincereness.
My view is that it is such an excellent approach trading online,which seems to be more economical and practical,and it would be better if pepole could perfect it and promote it.
Any advice is appreciated!thanks~

雅思作文,求修改建议并评分~Subject :As technology develops,more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent.Is this a positive or a negative development?Today,human civilisati
2.之所以劝你不要在文章最后才提出观点,是因为我相信你的文笔已经足够可以引起考官的注意.语言很流畅,很优美.不过有一个地方建议你改一下,有一点经不起推敲.increasingly individuals gradually.最好是把gradually去掉.因为increasingly本来就是一个渐进的过程,再用gradually显得很累赘.也许是我咬文嚼字了.
3.我觉得你的连接词是比较标准的,also,on the other hand...这些已经够用了.我可以把思路看得很清楚.



3、最好用上连接段落的连接词咯,比如to begin with, what's more, in addition...这样更一目了然。


雅思作文,求修改建议并评分~Subject :As technology develops,more shopping and business is done through the internet while communication face to face becomes less frequent.Is this a positive or a negative development?Today,human civilisati 雅思小作文求修改! 雅思作文求评分,求建议,求修改topic:some people think that studying in a college or a university is the best way for students to prepare for future career.But others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their caree 雅思作文修改评分没有意义的答案不要发了,捣乱的别闹! 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 求这篇作文修改建议 ILETS 雅思 剑7 test2 大作文 求评分 求拍砖! 雅思task2作文求评价求指出有什么问题,给个评分 修改雅思作文 雅思作文求评分 求修改Topic:Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school.Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 跪求高人评分雅思作文,如有修改另追加分数小女不才,写了一篇雅思作文跪求高人给与评判,以便上场时心里有数.如修改合理另行追加高分.拜谢In the modern world,the school has become unnecessary for chil 求评分雅思大作文请评分雅思大作文并提出改进意见,Subject:Nowadays there are various methods to relieve the pressure in modern life.Some read or exercise,others work in their gardens.What do you think are the best ways of reducing 麻烦高人修改下雅思作文,评评分,提提建议哈!To start with,I must admit that changes are always inevitable in life and provide challenges to life,which make one fulfilled and energetic throughout the tedious world.However,there are sti 雅思写作的评分是算两篇作文的平均分吗 雅思作文评分并修改Some people think music is just a form of entertainment ,while others think it plays more important roles.Discuss.It is generally accepted that the technology is advancing at an amazing speed in prent - day society.Many peo 求助:雅思作文评分并修改题目:Some people think that students should go to college for further education. However, some others claim that students should go to learn the skills such as fixing cars or construction. What is you opinion?I 英语作文评分和修改!下面发图 高中英语作文评分及修改这是即将要高三的一次模拟考,作文自己写好(无修改,一气呵成)但是没人评分,望各位老师评一下分并且写下您的观点和修改建议.向左转|向右转向左转|向右转It was Gr