在公共汽车上我们应当给老人让座(give seats to )翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:52:02
在公共汽车上我们应当给老人让座(give seats to )翻译
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在公共汽车上我们应当给老人让座(give seats to )翻译
在公共汽车上我们应当给老人让座(give seats to )翻译

在公共汽车上我们应当给老人让座(give seats to )翻译
We shuold give seats to the elders on a bus.

We gave seats to oldman on bus.

1.Given the tepid national support for a near or total ban,even among Republicans(only a narrow majority of whom believe that abortion should be illegal in most or all cases),the party leadership unde...


1.Given the tepid national support for a near or total ban,even among Republicans(only a narrow majority of whom believe that abortion should be illegal in most or all cases),the party leadership understands that an extreme federal ban has the potential to split the Republican coalition at the seams.
因为在全国范围内对不太允许堕胎或杜绝堕胎的支持率不高, 甚至共和党内也只有微弱多数认定在大多数情况或任何情况下的堕胎为非法. 共和党领袖知道,一旦出台一条严厉的联邦禁令极有可能会分裂共和党内部的联盟。
2.Other moderately pro-life measures might include expanding the federal law that allows health-care companies to opt out,in certain circumstances, of Medicine contracts that cover (不是over) abortion services.
其它温和的反堕胎手段可以包括放宽联邦法律, 允许保健机构在特定情况下退出那些提供堕胎服务的医疗协议。
3."It's hard to imagine Congress moving very quickly or reaching a broad consensus on abortion policy,"Whit Ares says, the Republican consultant. "I think the ultimate decision will be pushed away from the extremes."
共和党的顾问维特·埃里斯说:“很难想象国会在堕胎政策上会有什么快速的举动或是达成什么广泛的共识. 我认为最终的决定权不会落在任何激进派的手中。”
4.If efforts at compromise failed,however,and a sweeping abortion ban somehow made it to the Senate floor,the Democrats might mount a filibuster(assuming it was still available for ordinary legislation).
5.Virginia,for example,currently has two Republican senators,John Warner and George Allen,but it's not clear how either would do in a race where swing voters were energized by the issue of choice.
例如弗吉尼亚州现在虽然有两个共和党参议员, 约翰·沃纳和乔治·艾伦, 但是自由选民(或翻译成”骑墙派选民”)因为受堕胎问题的鼓动, 会使这俩人目前的竞选结果变得难以预料。
6.Even in the House,where there are fewer competitive seats due to gerrymandering the rise of abortion moderates could give the Democrats a fighting chance to gain the 17 seats necessary to win a majority."Gerrymandering depends on existing voting patterns holding,and this would change existing voting patterns,"says Bill Stuntz of Havard Law School."you have a lot of sixty-forty districts,but if national public opinion on abortion shifted,at some point Democrats would win a lot of seats that Republicans have been winning by more than ten points,just as Republicans did when they took the House in 1994."
在众议院里, 由于不公正的选区划分,本来没什么有争议性的席位。但是随着堕胎温和派人数的增多, 民主党可能有机会争取到成为多数党所必需的十七个席位。哈佛法学院的比尔·斯汤兹说:“不公正的选区划分仰赖于对现存投票格局的掌控,而目前的情况将会改变现存的投票格局。虽然你现在以60:40的多数控制着很多选区,但是一旦公众舆论对堕胎的看法发生了转变,民主党就会就像1994年共和党赢得众议院时那样, 以领先超过十个百分点的支持率, 占领许多共和党的席位。


在公共汽车上我们应当给老人让座(give seats to )翻译 在公共汽车上他总是给老人让座用英语怎么说 对你来说在公共汽车上给老人让座是好的用英语怎么说 在公共汽车上年轻人应该给老年人让座;英语翻译 用英语怎么说?比如说在公共汽车不给老人让座,在公共场所大声说话 翻译:我们在公交车上应给老人或孩子让座. 英语翻译1.她考虑事情周全,把每件事情都计划得很好.2.她在公共汽车上给老人让座.3.她还探访老年公寓. 在公共汽车上,我是不是应该给老人让座?在车上,我看见老人上来,总想给她让座.但是,我一想站着的滋味有多难受,就不想给她让座了,可是我一看到她的满头白发,就又想把座让给她,心里好矛盾 英文翻译:在公交车上我们应该给老人让座【不要在百度神马地方复制过来=.=用give one‘s seat to这个短语 在公共汽车上给老年人让座,用英语怎么说对了追加! 在公共汽车上,你打算给一位老年人让座,用英文怎么说? 英语翻译:给老人让座 英语.帮帮忙帮帮忙啦. 汉译英.根据汉语提示完成句子.1、下周他们打算为希望工程收集东西They are going to__________next weekend.2、你在公共汽车上经常让座吗?Do you often__________?3、我们为老人一周 英语翻译翻译:我们在公交车上应给老人或孩子让座. 当我的鹦鹉饿了时,它总是敲笼子门When my_ _ _,he always _ _ the cage door在公共汽车上我们应该给老人让座We should _ _ _ _ _ on the bus你不可以将热东西放进垃圾箱YOu mustn't _ _ _ _ rubbish bin 在公交车上,是老人给小孩让座,还是小孩给老人让座呢? 中译英:公交车上我们应该给老人让座 英语翻译:在公交车上我们应该为老人让座