用英语介绍杨利伟拜托各位了 3Q把汉语意思也说了,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:58:11
用英语介绍杨利伟拜托各位了 3Q把汉语意思也说了,
xV[OG+VZ984HQ$hU}X=kɎipb'@&CO3~/̚ڇJ,{ws+߉uocp,;xgw \ /-݂NҒ8ΡR,K~ĖrgƸp{S] O{sVa&QdiԤ$$L5jQjAcQf%sI%!fp4bR"Ltb%3^VŸ 5xp1ddL\z~3$'4 ЂiAҬl$qǣ!ꆆ0 &%IB PbLX5@QV4H?PDYIX'd<P ?B~QE< Ƙe Zy=HĠ$=q,hԕP呐0=0I1>,5[oZ_7. g9ET>v=īUbo:;mł[;| v[ۛ|6W6\io_uSy`ý"/m9r=E

用英语介绍杨利伟拜托各位了 3Q把汉语意思也说了,
用英语介绍杨利伟拜托各位了 3Q

用英语介绍杨利伟拜托各位了 3Q把汉语意思也说了,
Yáng Lìwěi is a Chinese major general and military pilot and a CNSA astronaut. He was the first man sent into space by the Chinese space program, and his mission, Shenzhou 5, made the PRC the third country to independently send people into space. Born in Suizhong County of Huludao City in the Liaoning Province, an industrial area in Northeast China. Yang's mother was a teacher, his father an accountant at a state agricultural firm. Yang Liwei's wife is also a People's Liberation Army (PLA) officer, with whom he has a son. Growing up, his grades were average but he excelled in sciences. [citation needed] He loved to swim and skate and shined in track and field events. [citation needed] In 1983, he was admitted to the Number 2 PLAAF flight academy and graduated four years later.He participated in the screening process for astronauts in 1996. In the PLAAF, he logged 1350 hours of flight time as a fighter pilot before he went to space training. 杨利伟 (1965年6月21日-),是中国第一位进入太空的航天员,中国人民解放军航天员大队特级航天员,正师职,少将军衔.他是中国培养的第一代航天员.2003年10月15日北京时间9时,杨利伟乘由长征二号F火箭运载的神舟五号飞船首次进入太空.他和技术专家的创举使得中国成为第三个掌握载人航天技术的国家. 杨利伟出生于位于中国东北的辽宁省绥中县,母亲是县中学的语文老师,父亲先当教师,后改做行政工作.杨利伟的妻子同样是一名解放军军官,两人有一个儿子. 在学校里,杨利伟的成绩一般,但是理科成绩优秀;爱好游泳、滑冰以及田径项目. 杨利伟18岁参军,在执行神舟五号任务前为中校军衔,从太空返回后晋升为上校,2004年春节前夕晋升为大校,2008年7月晋升为少将.1987年,杨利伟在解放军第八空军飞行学院获得了学士学位.在开始宇航员生涯前,杨利伟有过1350小时的战斗机飞行经历. 2004年杨利伟开始在清华大学攻读公共管理博士学位.