
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 19:48:15
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1 I think that the most important thing in my life is to be a volunteer and help the people in need.My parents are active volunteers too.We enjoyed helping others.The sense of satisfaction and fulfillment we derived from volunteerism is great,especially when I saw my beneficiaries smiling at me and showing their gratitude.
2 One always has to have a good internal thing to rely upon.It csn be the support from your friends,it can also be the love from your parents.
These are the things that help you to overcome obstacles and acheve success.Sometimes,one can pass an examination with flying colour provided that he is being loved and supported by his parents,teachers and friends.These things that one rely upon do help to make a difference in one's life.
3 Money is definitely not equal to happiness.There are many rich people in this world who are unhappy.Why is that so?Well,some of them are alone,they don't have famalies,neither do they have friends.They can buy big cars and beautiful houses but they cant buy love and friendships.Without these two key determinants of happiness,one would not be happy no matter how much money they have.All in all ,because money cant buy happiness,therefore money isnt equal to happiness.
4 A good leader have to be a good listener,one who is receptive and willing to listen to others' opinions.Moreover,he needs to have a good command of the language as well as good interpersonal skills.He also have to be a good teamplayer even though he is the leader.Qualities like humbleness,honesty and intelligence are also crucial to be a good leader.
5 A friend is willing to help me whencever i am in trouble.He or she is always by my side,supporting me,and encouraging me without expecting any returns.All she asks for is i must be happy.She will listen to my problems,help me settle my problems and guides me of how to prevent myself from problems.A good friend is one whom i can always rely upon forever and ever.
I have a place in her heart always.We will be friends until we die.
6 There are many ways which can train our brain.Firstly,read more,write more,listen ,more often and speak up more.Be more active rather than passive.Always challenge what you've been taught,in this way ,your brain will be forced to think,and therefore will be trained.Always ask whenever there is a question because tring to listen to other's explainations and understanding them is a good training opportunity for the brain.
7 We need to look at this world with a new perspective.Many changes are taking place everyday.Numerous advanced products or technologies emerged everyday,therfore we need to look at this new world with a new perspective because failure to do so we will find ourselves being left out and outdated as the world progresss,accelerated by rapid globalisation.
8 I remenber making an important decision on which school that i want to go to.One is of course better than the other,however,my interests are in the better school.I prefer the other one.My parents tried to convince me to go to the better school,but i do not let their persuasion got the better of me,instead i managed to convince them that i go to the school of my chice in the end.I told them i will not be happy if i were to follow their instructions and study a degree which i am not interested at all!I must pursuit my dreams and intersts because only then can i be successful and happy.

1.描述一件对你来说非常重要的事,你该怎么说:谁给你的?那件事是什么?对你来说有什么意义?请大家帮帮忙```以以上8个话题用英语各写一篇小短文``是各写一篇,也就是8篇.1.描述一件对你来说 对你来说,有没有什么是非常重要的,没有它生命就没意义了? 如果你很想要一件东西 ,而且对你非常重要,但是因为外界因素的阻止,你又不想放弃的同时,你会怎么做? 如果一个人、对你承诺了一件事!可他没有做到、该怎么做!曾经承诺的、你没有做到!现在又有什么资格来说我、该怎么办? 脑筋急转弯:当你对一件事忍无可忍的时候.你该怎么处理 描述一下你经历过的一件有趣的事? 一年前的元月一日,所有的人都在做着一件非常重要的事,你记得是什么事吗? 英语翻译翻译 1.对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险.2.对于我们来说,剪一头发比短发更简单.3.你让他一个人冷静是很明智的.4.对人们来说,保护野生动物非常重要.5.留短发对于做运动是很便 对你来说? 英语翻译:拥有健康的饮食对我们来说非常重要 平衡的饮食对人来说非常重要用英语怎么说? 妈妈 我想对你说 500字,用一件事来描述!立刻10分钟 你做了一件事情,你不知道是对的还是错的,你该怎么判断? 描述一件你感兴趣的历史事件托福口语的 英语翻译3、对于我们来说学会怎么样科学的记忆单词是非常重要的6、我不是要你花大量的精力去取悦别人,或者是佯装对别人好 对世界来说你只是一个人,对某个人来说你是整个世界的英文翻译是什么 对世界来说你是一个人,对我来说你是我的世界.英文怎么说 描述你干得最有想象力的一件事;另外请想象一件你以后想实施的最有想象力的一件事.