
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:32:22
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但是不合理的使用手机也会给我们生活带来困扰 比如在开会时突然想起手机铃声.手机固然能给我们带来许多方便.但是在某些场合,比如教室.会议室.医院 .图书馆 我们应记得关掉手机.

The first article
Light rain hello
I'm in college before, I have been think playing computer is a very interesting thing. But I think I in the dormitory play computer too much has many disadvantages. Such as playing computer too much waste of time. And reduce our sleep time. He back to let we don't want to go to class. But also on a roommate. I sincerely advise you on the weekend playing computer. Thus, for you and study are good.
Article 2
In the current rapid development of science and technology, electronic dictionary more and more appear in our life. Compared with the traditional dictionary, electronic dictionary carry more convenient. Electronic dictionary, the interpretation of the more comprehensive and quick. We become the indispensable partner. But the electronic dictionary also has a lot of disadvantages. For example it will let us become lazy. Lack of learning ability. In short electronic dictionary both advantages and disadvantages key in the use of we make of.
The third one
Today, the mobile phone to us was already quite familiar with, he became our life necessities.
Mobile phone brings us a lot of convenience. This depends on the phone from birth advantage. We can communicate by mobile phone. Can is far heard the voice of one another.
But not reasonable use of cell phones will also give us life bring trouble for example in a meeting when suddenly remind of cell phone rings. Mobile phone is can bring us many convenient. But in some places, such as the classroom. The conference room. The hospital. The library should remember we turn your cell phone off.
The fourth article
I write to you of why three days before I came out of the cell phone quality problems. I three days ago in people's stores nokia store bought a nokia N95 mobile phones. Just buy all function is normal. But today I found that mobile phone is out of order. My cell phone rings function is not. And when the speech sound became very small.
I find the mobile phone store looking for them to stand for a mobile phone, but be salesman refused. I hope that through the coordination of the association to change a no quality problem of mobile phone.

英语翻译第一篇我在上大学之前,我一直觉得玩电脑是件很有趣的事.但是我觉得我在宿舍玩电脑过多有很多坏处.比如玩电脑过多浪费时间.并且减少我们的睡眠时间.他回让我们不想去上课.而 在她到来之前,我一直在做作业 英语翻译 英语翻译 上大学后我觉得最大的变化是自由的时间多了 英文翻译.谢.在他走之前我一直上他的课. 翻译:在我上大学以前一直都住在那里 用英语怎么说 我现在中国上大学.英语翻译 英语翻译中译英 “其实我一直觉得你很好.” 求一篇三分钟德语演讲稿 《我的朋友》在我上大学期间,周末我跟我的好朋友M一起上市区逛街.不小心被一辆正在慢行驶的轿车撞着脚了.在我脚行动不方便的期间,她一直在我身边照顾我.帮我 抱歉没有分数了,希望有耐心看完的帮我解下难题?前几天,我跟那个同在一个城市的一直追我的男生见面了,之前我们没见过,但是说好交往了.天天煲电话,上网聊.他说过他很爱我,我在上大学,他 英语翻译我一直觉得自己在奋力追求不需要的东西,现在发现原来我错了 翻译成英语 现在的奋斗目标是什么?我现在是在江苏的扬州大学上大1,我觉得前途有点茫然 英语翻译大学英语第一册教科书中的翻译我上大学之前,祖父对我说的那几句充满智慧的话给我留下了深刻印象Before I went off to the university,my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deepl 求一篇“我在大学上语文”主题的小论文 昨天我在语文课上写了一篇作文 英语翻译 “我一直在等你”用英语翻译 时光冲不散,我一直都在!英语翻译 英语翻译 一直在鼓励我不要灰心 背景是 一年前 我和我男朋友 因为他在网络上找了一个第三者分手了我一直都沉溺在痛苦里面 自欺欺人的想着他会回头 后来慢慢的觉得他也不太可能回来了 之前我还占卜他是否会回来 结果