
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 14:27:48
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New York Climate
New York City climate data
Location of weather station:40.6 degrees north latitude,73.8 degrees west longitude,altitude 4 meters
Climate Data
Date January 2 Month 3 Months April 5 Months 6 Months July 8 月 10 September 12 November 月 月
Average maximum temperature (degrees C) 1961-1990 3.1 4.2 8.9 14.6 19.8 25.0 28.2 27.7 23.9 18.2 12.1 5.9
Average temperature (degrees Celsius) 1961-1990 -0.4 0.5 5.0 10.3 15.6 20.8 24.2 23.7 19.8 13.9 8.4 2.6
Average minimum temperature (degrees C) 1961-1990 -3.9 -3.2 1.1 6.0 11.3 16.6 20.1 19.6 15.6 9.6 4.7 -0.8
Rainfall (mm) 76.7 91.2 99.1 96.5 80.5 1961-1990 92.7 86.6 83.8 73.2 92.7 86.9 96.5
Rainy days * 1964-1990 8.3 7.6 9.0 8.6 9.2 8.7 7.8 7.4 6.6 6.1 8.1 8.7
Mild and humid climate of New York,the annual frost-free period 276 days,the annual average temperature of 11 ℃,annual precipitation 1091 mm rain at 123 days.