
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:34:46
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One day,a rabbit met an ant.The rabbit asked the ant"what are you doing?"."I am ready to trip an elephant over.",the ant said.
After several minutes,the rabbit saw a group of ants standed in a line and went out."what are you going to do?"the rabbit asked."One of our brother tripped an elephant over just now,the elephant bled too much and within an inch of shock.So we are going to be blood donors."
Anthoer Several minites later,the rabbit saw those ants back,and asked them about the matter.One ant said,"We just go to offer our blood,and find only one of our brother's blood is fit to the elephant's.He said only left himself is ok.So we are back."

One day, an ant to see a rabbit, the rabbit asked ants in doing, Ant said he is prepared to stretch the elephant trip with their feet ...
After a while, to see a group of ants supplied rabbit out...


One day, an ant to see a rabbit, the rabbit asked ants in doing, Ant said he is prepared to stretch the elephant trip with their feet ...
After a while, to see a group of ants supplied rabbit out, asked them to do, an ant said: "We just Miners to a tripping elephants, elephant hemorrhagic shock was almost too much, we have to give him blood!"
Again After a while, rabbits see these ants came back, they asked, an ant said: "We have just to donate blood, found on a Miners blood type and that the elephant, he said he left an obvious, so we came back."


英语翻译有一天,一只兔子看见一只蚂蚁,兔子问蚂蚁在干什么,蚂蚁说他准备用脚绊大象一跤……过了一会,兔子看见一群蚂蚁排着队出去,就问他们去干什么,一只蚂蚁说:“刚我们一个哥们把 英语翻译如题,那么,那么就开始了,下面的都要翻译哦……请大家注意保暖……一天,一只兔子看见一只蚂蚁,于是兔子问蚂蚁:你在干什么啊?”蚂蚁说:“小点声,大象要来了,我要绊他一跤!”. 为什么一只凶恶的狼看见一只兔子后撒腿就跑 有一天老鹰看见一只兔子准备要捉它,这时兔子对老鹰说了一句话,老鹰就从空中掉了下来,老鹰对兔子说了什么? 有一天,一只蚂蚁对一只大象说了一句话,结果大象晕了. 你知道是什么话吗? 一只兔子几条腿?2 一只蚂蚁六条腿,有一天它从粪球上走过,为什么只要四个脚印? 一个物体的质量为2×10的七次方mg,这个物体可能是?一头大象、一只蚂蚁、一只山羊、一只兔子、 一只青蛙和一只兔子 打一成语 两只蚂蚁走在路上,突然看见一只很大的梨.打一国家名. 两只蚂蚁抬根杠,一只蚂蚁杠上望,猜一字 两只蚂蚁抬根杠,一只蚂蚁杠上望 只蚂蚁杠上望.两只蚂蚁抬根杠,一 两只蚂蚁抬着杠 一只蚂蚁杠上望 一个猎人去打猎,看见一只兔子,看件有10米远,拿起枪开了一枪,子弹只飞出去1米,兔子就死了,问为什么 有一天,一只蚂蚁对一只大象说了一句话,结果大象晕了.你知道是什么话吗?蚂蚁对大象说:亲爱的,我有一天,一只蚂蚁对一只大象说了一句话,结果大象晕了.你知道是什么话吗?蚂蚁对大象说: 疯狂猜成语一只猴子一只兔子 一只猴子一只兔子和一堆火打一成语