英语翻译Long before any recorded human history in Yellowstone,a massive volcanic eruption spewed an immense volume of ash that covered all of the western U.S.,much of the Midwest,northern Mexico and some areas of the eastern Pacific.The eruption

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:04:15
英语翻译Long before any recorded human history in Yellowstone,a massive volcanic eruption spewed an immense volume of ash that covered all of the western U.S.,much of the Midwest,northern Mexico and some areas of the eastern Pacific.The eruption
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英语翻译Long before any recorded human history in Yellowstone,a massive volcanic eruption spewed an immense volume of ash that covered all of the western U.S.,much of the Midwest,northern Mexico and some areas of the eastern Pacific.The eruption
Long before any recorded human history in Yellowstone,a massive volcanic eruption spewed an immense volume of ash that covered all of the western U.S.,much of the Midwest,northern Mexico and some areas of the eastern Pacific.The eruption dwarfed that of Mt.St.Helens in 1980 and left a caldera 30 miles wide by 45 miles long.
That climactic event occurred about 640,000 years ago,and was one of many processes that shaped Yellowstone National Park--a region once rumored to be "the place where hell bubbles up." Geothermal wonders,such as Old Faithful,are evidence of one of the world's largest active volcanoes.These spectacular features bemused and befuddled the park's earliest visitors,and helped lead to the creation of the world's first national park.
Fur trappers' fantastic tales of cauldrons of bubbling mud and roaring geysers sending steaming plumes skyward made their way back east.Several expeditions were sent to investigate,opening the West to further exploration and exploitation.In 1871,Ferdinand Hayden led an expedition that included artist Thomas Moran and photographer William H.Jackson.They brought back images that helped convince Congress that the area known as Yellowstone needed to be protected and preserved.
In 1872,President Ulysses S.Grant signed a law declaring that Yellowstone would forever be "dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people."

英语翻译Long before any recorded human history in Yellowstone,a massive volcanic eruption spewed an immense volume of ash that covered all of the western U.S.,much of the Midwest,northern Mexico and some areas of the eastern Pacific.The eruption
久在黄石公园的任何被记录的人类历史之前,巨大的火山爆发吐了复盖了所有的美国西部,太平洋东部的中西部者,墨西哥北部和一些分布区的多处的灰的极广大体积.爆发在 1980 年山圣矮子了那海伦而且留下了一个喷火口形盘层 30 里宽被 45 里长.
渐层法的事件大约在 640,000 年以前发生了,而且是作形了黄石公园国家公园的许多程序之一--一个区域一经谣传是 "地狱冒出来的地方 ." 地热惊奇,像是旧的忠实,是世界的最大的活跃 volcanoes 之一的证据.这些公开展示的特征困惑的而且使昏迷公园最早的访客,而且帮助导致世界的第一个国家公园的创造.
起泡的毛皮设陷阱的人混乱局面奇妙故事泥和蒸发的吼声喷泉送把向天空的泡他们的方法用羽毛装饰回来东方.一些远征被送去调查,打开西部促进探险和开发.在 1871 年,费迪南 Hayden 引导了包含了艺术家汤姆斯 Moran 和摄影师威廉 H.杰克森的一次远征.他们带来了帮助说服国会的后面的图像已知的分布区当黄石公园需要被保护而且保护.
在 1872 年,总统 Ulysses S.授与签署了宣布黄石公园会永远地是 "热衷的和组分别地如一个公众的公园或为利益和人的享乐快乐地面 ." 的法律



