Privilege 和 right 的区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 11:45:09
Privilege 和 right 的区别?
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Privilege 和 right 的区别?
Privilege 和 right 的区别?

Privilege 和 right 的区别?
Right 指合法的,符合道德规范的或传统上的正当权力:
“I'm a champion for the Rights of Woman” (Maria Edgeworth).
“我是女性权力的捍卫者” (玛莉亚·埃奇沃恩).
“An unconditional right to say what one pleases about public affairs is what I consider to be the minimum guarantee of the First Amendment” (Hugo L.Black).
“对公共事件发表意见的自由权力正是我认为应是第一修正案的最低保证” (雨果·L.布莱克).
“Our children are not individuals whose rights and tastes are casually respected from infancy,as they are in some primitive societies” (Ruth Benedict).
“我们的孩子不是那种从婴儿期起,其权力和爱好就好象他们在低等社会那样被漫不经心地看待的人” (露丝·本尼迪克特).
Privilege 通常指不是每个人都能享受的权利:
“When the laws undertake to ...grant ...exclusive privileges,to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful,the humble members of society ...have a right to complain of the injustice of their government” (Andrew Jackson).
“如果法律保证排他的特权,从而使富者更富有,有权有势者更有权势,那么生活于社会下层的人们就有权力指责他们政府的不公平” (安德鲁·杰克).


A right is something you are born with, and you will die with, granted to you by your “Creator”. A privilege is granted to you by the King, General, Church, or the State, and may be revoked at any tim...


A right is something you are born with, and you will die with, granted to you by your “Creator”. A privilege is granted to you by the King, General, Church, or the State, and may be revoked at any time, if one loses favour. This is usually caused by a failure “consider the king”, a failure to pay the “royalty”, tax, indulgence, tithe, license fee, etc. So-called “Civil Rights” are by definition, conveyed by positive law, and thus are more akin to privileges than to natural rights. So-called “Civil Liberties” are by definition natural immunities to government interference, and are thus are more akin to proper natural rights. Rights exist before, and are thus superior to, privileges.
