帮忙把下面口语考试的题目(三人对话)写一下,情景对话,稍微长一点的.1. Do you prefer to live in the country or live in the city? Give your reasons.2. What changes have taken place in Chinese family life in recent years?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:53:49
帮忙把下面口语考试的题目(三人对话)写一下,情景对话,稍微长一点的.1.  Do you prefer to live in the country or live in the city? Give your reasons.2.  What changes have taken place in Chinese family life in recent years?
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帮忙把下面口语考试的题目(三人对话)写一下,情景对话,稍微长一点的.1. Do you prefer to live in the country or live in the city? Give your reasons.2. What changes have taken place in Chinese family life in recent years?
1. Do you prefer to live in the country or live in the city? Give your reasons.
2. What changes have taken place in Chinese family life in recent years?
3.There have been many historic figures, famous or unknown, fighting for people’s freedom. Can you name a few in American history or in the history of your nation?
4. What discrimination still exists in our society today? Use examples to illustrate it.
5. Is our world getting more secure with the development of the modern technology? Give your reasons.
6. Do you think having a personal gun is a good idea? Why or why not?
7. Could you introduce two (Chinese or western) holidays or festivals that you are interested in? And tell why you choose them?
8. Whom do you want to give special thanks to in your life so far and how would you show your gratitude to them?
9. Do you agree that "love and charity is all we need to solve the problems of this world"? And why?
10. As a young college student, are you willing to risk death for a drowning kid in a river? And why?

帮忙把下面口语考试的题目(三人对话)写一下,情景对话,稍微长一点的.1. Do you prefer to live in the country or live in the city? Give your reasons.2. What changes have taken place in Chinese family life in recent years?

帮忙把下面口语考试的题目(三人对话)写一下,情景对话,稍微长一点的.1. Do you prefer to live in the country or live in the city? Give your reasons.2. What changes have taken place in Chinese family life in recent years? 高中三人英语口语考试对话,急主题:1关于奥运会的口语对话2关于寒假旅游的对话3关于交朋友的对话(friendS and friendship)、 关于“study abroad”的口语三人对话我们是口语考试,麻烦给个直接的对话 请帮我写口语考试写一段两个人的对话,题目在下面,大约两到三分钟.You are complaining about the requirement that studentsshould take jogging every weekday morning in your college while your partnerthinks this requirement does 急求一关于How to give up smoking?的三人对话由于要口语考试而且时间太紧没有时间再写, 哪位大神可以帮我写几个英语口试的话题 一个需要两分钟的时间 是期末口语考试的题目 因为下周三英语口语考试 老师需要口语测试 给了下面四个口试话题 不是对话的形式 是话题的形式 急求!1跪求英语大神帮忙,大学英语视听说2口语考试对话急求!过几天要考试,最近没时间复习,所以跪求大神,下面几个对话,帮忙设计一些对话,每个不需要多长,就普通的对话,英语大神麻烦你们 帮忙写一篇英语三人对话.要求每人至少10句话,(HI.HELLO.等问候语不算一句)题目是 You and your classmate are at the library.There you meet a foreign friend.Introduce them to each other. 求三人日常对话的口语英语,初中水平上下. 口语考试how to lose weight 是几人对话类型的, 大学英语口语考试不会写对话,急……英语口语考试,求英语强人帮忙写两篇三人之间的英语对话,要求要时长3分钟的,中心主题是一个是courage,另一个是diversity~不要求原创,随便怎样都行,为了对 请帮忙用“Please talk about sense of humour and its importance in our daily life.”的话题做一个对话一共要10句以上,高一的口语考试 关于英语口语题目你理想中的工作是怎么样的?咋写啊怎样写英语口语题目文章:(是三人对话形式)你理想中的工作是怎么样的? 口语考试的题目:Do you think there is something positive about stress?why or why not?明天就考了,写三个人对话,每人5句以上.急 是关于英语口语考试的题目,对话.帮忙写六段对话关于下面的话题,对话时间大约在三到五分钟,口试题目为1.what is important in learning English?2.What should we do to show our love to parents?3.What do you think is 是关于英语口语考试的题目,对话.帮忙写六段对话关于下面的话题,对话时间大约在三到五分钟,口试题目为1.what is important in learning English?2.What should we do to show our love to parents?3.What do you think is 两段英语情景对话,英语好的请进,期末口语考试,要自己写两个情景对话,每个对话不少于七个回合,请英语好的同学帮帮忙,下面是两个情景,我先自己写写看……情景1:Tom meets Jennifer for the first 急!简单的英语对话 口语考试题目是 .How do you think of life long education? 3个人的口语对话 简短一点的就好 每个人就8,9句. 时间在3分钟左右