请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文(语法、用词或者其他)万分感谢Recreational Activities Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities around our life .For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:52:28
请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文(语法、用词或者其他)万分感谢Recreational Activities Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities around our life .For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,
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请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文(语法、用词或者其他)万分感谢Recreational Activities Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities around our life .For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,
Recreational Activities
Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities around our life .For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,traveling,surfing on the Internet and so on.
There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy.People who always in work can take part in recreational activities to relax their self and people who stay at home all along can take part in it to enrich their life.But every coin has two sides,recreational activities is no exception and in another word ,it still has negative aspects.To begin with ,the students who take part in many recreational activities may effect their study.And in addition ,many people can't limit the times in play and it will reduce the times of rest.
For my part,we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax,for example,we can invite our friends to travel on weekend,I think it is very interesting.But everything shouldn't do excessively,we must study to limit the play times.In a word,we should admit the advantages of recreational activities and also accept the disadvantages.

请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文(语法、用词或者其他)万分感谢Recreational Activities Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities around our life .For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,
第一句different kinds of recreational activities around our life 没有动词啊.汗.印象分倍减.
There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy 前面是activities后面是it.不一致
.People who always in work can take part in recreational activities to relax their self and people who stay at home all along can take part in it to enrich their life.at work .themselves.前面是activities后面是it.又不一致
we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax情态动词用的有问题
But every coin has two sides,recreational activities is no exception and in another word ,it still has negative aspects.本来不说内容的.但是.这句全是模板堆砌的.记住,一句话可以有模板,但必须要包含主题考官才可以忍受.要是一句话都你这样,考官直接认定你堆砌字数
the students who take part in many recreational activities may effect their stud 参加啊娱乐活动的学生会影响他们的学习?应该是学生参加(过多的)活动会影响学习吧.
many people can't limit the times in play and it will reduce the times of rest.前半句太中国英语了,后面times .怎么有s?

1.每次涉及recreational activities这个词组时,请注意这是复数,所以句子的谓语应为复数,且即使后半句用代词代替,也应用复数。例如:第二段第一句There are many recreational activitie...


1.每次涉及recreational activities这个词组时,请注意这是复数,所以句子的谓语应为复数,且即使后半句用代词代替,也应用复数。例如:第二段第一句There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy.前半句are是复数,后半句变成了单数it。这种错误几乎每句话都有,所以请仔细检查。代词的“他们自己”英语是"themselves",这是一个单词,不是两个。
2.语法方面还有一个严重错误是有几句话没有谓语,就是没有一句话最基本的动词,没有动词就不成句子的,请注意。例如:第一段第一句different kinds of recreational activities around our life缺谓语,也就是没有动词。
3。部分表达单词的用法不太对。例如:People who always in work缺谓语,另外若指上班族用office worker就可以了。再例如:we must study to limit the play times这里的动词用learn,因study不能这么用。
4。句子结束请用句号句掉。例如:For my part,we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax,for example,we can invite our friends to travel on weekend,I think it is very interesting.这是四句话,不是一句。But everything shouldn't do excessively,we must study to limit the play times.这是两句话,请断开或者在一句结束后加个and。


Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities() around our life .
For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,traveling,surfing on the Internet and so on.


Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities() around our life .
For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,traveling,surfing on the Internet and so on.
1、注意:用了for example就不能再用and so on
2、surf the Internet
There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy.
People who always in work can take part in recreational activities to relax their self and people who stay at home all along can take part in it to enrich their life.
稍微改下,People who are always busy with their work can… to relax themselves(反身代词,注意了)and those who stay at home alone can also enjoy it to enrich their life.
But every coin has two sides,recreational activities is no exception and in another word ,it still has negative aspects.
可以稍微改下,But every coin has two sides,and recreational activities is no exception.后面的一些都删除。
To begin with ,the students who take part in many recreational activities may effect their study.
这里要表达的意思是太多,所以要用too many; 第二个,这句话语法严重错误,如果把修饰部分who take part in many recreational activities去掉,则句子就变成了the students may effect their study(学生影响他们的学习),主谓不一致。所以后面可改为,may be disturbed.
And in addition ,many people can't limit the times in play and it will reduce the times of rest.
呵呵,这句话的确是中国式英语。可改为people who spend too much time in playing will have less time to rest.

For my part,we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax,
适当修改:work,study or stay…… we should spare some time to enjoy ourself.
for example,we can invite our friends to travel on weekend,I think it is very interesting.
注意应该是travel with.
But everything shouldn't do excessively,we must study to limit the play times.
呵呵,we should make good use of time to learn as much as we can.
In a word,we should admit the advantages of recreational activities and also accept the disadvantages.
这里的and 应该可以换为but


请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文(语法、用词或者其他)万分感谢Recreational Activities Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities around our life .For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess, 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文,1:中国城乡之间的差距似乎有增大的趋势2:导致这种现象的原因3:怎样才能缩小城乡之间的差距Bridging the Gap between the Urban and Rural AreasWith the deve 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文.(语法和用词)万分感谢1:大学生出去旅游经常会选择“自助游”2:分析大学生选择“自助游”的原因3:你的看法Nowadays,more and more college students 请英语高手们帮我点评一下我的这篇英语四级作文(语法、用词或者其他)万分感谢1:一次性塑料袋曾被广泛使用2:使用一次性塑料袋带来的问题3:限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义Limiting the 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文,1:本社团的主要活动内容2:参加本社团的好处3:如何加入本社团Welcome to join the Sunshine volunteer club!If you have a love heart,you ought to join us.We will look in 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的这篇英语四级作文.1有些人认为某些数字会带来好运2 也有些人认为数字与运气无关3 试说明自己的看法From the ancient times to the present,there are some people think that the n 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文,1:人们为什么认为淡水资源取之不尽2:什么原因导致淡水资源3:如何解决全球淡水紧缺问题Global Shortage Of Fresh WaterMany people think that fresh water in o 麻烦帮我点评一下这篇英语作文, 请英语高手帮我点评我的英语四级作文(语法,用词)非常感谢1:越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?2:也会带来一些问题3:你的看法Free Admission to MuseumsNowadays ,more and more museums ar 怎样点评作文“成长中的烦恼”?请帮我试写一段,是点评作文的内容,不是作文 请高手帮我写一下这篇作文!蟹蟹 求成长中事情的作文 400字左右 还要200字感想点评要有具体事情和中心思想的 网上拉的也可以 急 马上要啊不用找了 你们看看这篇 请高手帮我写个200字感想和点评 暑假接近尾声时,在我三寸 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的四级作文(语法、用词)1,中国有很多学生无法用英语进行交流,由此出现“哑巴英语”现象2,造成“哑巴英语”原因3,提供一些可行的解决方法 Mute Englishamong Chine 麻烦英语高手给我的四级分数点评一下!成绩总分:508 听力:181 阅读:189 综合:54 写作:84麻烦高手帮我从各方面点评一下,谢谢! 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的四级英语作文(语法、用词)万分感谢1:越来越多的人使用信用卡,信用卡有哪些好处?2:信用卡的弊端3:你自己的观点Credit CardsNowadays,more and more people use credit 请各位高手帮我写一篇小学生英语作文“我们的幸福生活”, 求一篇英语作文 What I live for请好心的英语高手帮我一帮 在下不胜感谢 求一篇英语作文:金钱与幸福100词,大学英语四级水平希望英语高手帮我写一个简单些的就好啊!不好意思,不是我不给您加分,而是你这篇是复制粘贴来的吧!