
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 03:54:41
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名词n. 1. (一)滴[C] The rain was leaking in large drops through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来. 2. 点滴,微量[C] 3. 水果糖;糖球[C] 4. 落下;下降;(水)落差[S] The drop in prices was quite unexpected. 价格的下跌是完全没有料到的. 5. 【美】投信口;丢放东西之处[C] 6. 空投;空投物品;空投的人[C] They are requesting air drops of foodstuffs to the flooded areas. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品. 7. 滴剂[P] 及物动词 vt. 1. 使滴下 She dropped some lemon juice into her tea. 她在茶里滴了几滴柠檬汁. 2. 丢下,扔下;降低 I dropped the letter into the mail-box. 我将信投入信箱. 3. 【口】下(车);卸(货)[O] Please drop me at the school gate. 请让我在校门口下车. 4. 丢弃;中断;停止 If a fire alarm is given, drop whatever you are doing, and leave the building at once. 如遇火警,立即停止手头的一切工作,马上离开建筑物. 5. 将...除名[(+from)] He's been dropped from the boxing team. 他已被拳击队除名. 6. 无意中说出 He dropped me a hint over dinner. 我们一起吃饭时他给了我一点暗示. 7. 【口】输(钱) 8. 遗漏;省略 He dropped a whole line in typing. 他打字时漏了整整一行. 9. (动物)产(仔) 10. 【俚】吞服(迷幻药、毒品) She dropped acid in high school. 她高中时代服迷幻药. 不及物动词 vi. 1. 滴下;落下;掉下 A flower pot dropped from his balcony. 一个花盆从他家阳台落下. 2. (价格、温度等)下降;(声音、风等)变弱 The temperature has dropped drastically. 气温已大大下降. 3. (顺便)访问[Q] I'd like to drop in and see you sometime next week. 我想在下周什么时候顺便来看看你. 4. 落后[Q] 5. 停止,终止 6. (因疲劳、受伤等)倒下 He dropped with overwork. 他因过度工作累倒了. 7. (动物)出生

drop: [ dr??p ] n. 滴,微量,落下 v. 放下,掉下 [ 过去式dropped 过去分词dropped 现在分词dropping 第三人称单数drops ] 例句与用法 1. He likes to eat chocolate drops . 他喜欢吃巧克力糖球。 2. The fruit dropped down from the tree. 水果从树上...


drop: [ dr??p ] n. 滴,微量,落下 v. 放下,掉下 [ 过去式dropped 过去分词dropped 现在分词dropping 第三人称单数drops ] 例句与用法 1. He likes to eat chocolate drops . 他喜欢吃巧克力糖球。 2. The fruit dropped down from the tree. 水果从树上掉下来。 3. Drop in and see us when you're next in London. 到伦敦时顺便来看我。 4. He has taken a drop too much. 他喝太多(酒)了。 5. I hear they've dropped over ten thousand on the deal. 我听说他们那笔交易损失了一万多块钱。 6. Drops of supplies are being made to villages still cut off by the snow. 目前正向大雪隔绝的村庄空投生活用品。
