谁能帮我写篇英语作文(高中)我后天就要开学了,文章的开头和结尾:Hi Tom,Nice tou read your e-mail today.I noticed you've begun to use chinese idioms and used most of them corectlly..Hope you'll find a job soon.Huahua

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:03:59
谁能帮我写篇英语作文(高中)我后天就要开学了,文章的开头和结尾:Hi Tom,Nice tou read your e-mail today.I noticed you've begun to use chinese idioms and used most of them corectlly..Hope you'll find a job soon.Huahua
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谁能帮我写篇英语作文(高中)我后天就要开学了,文章的开头和结尾:Hi Tom,Nice tou read your e-mail today.I noticed you've begun to use chinese idioms and used most of them corectlly..Hope you'll find a job soon.Huahua
Hi Tom,
Nice tou read your e-mail today.I noticed you've begun to use chinese idioms and used most of them corectlly.
Hope you'll find a job soon.

谁能帮我写篇英语作文(高中)我后天就要开学了,文章的开头和结尾:Hi Tom,Nice tou read your e-mail today.I noticed you've begun to use chinese idioms and used most of them corectlly..Hope you'll find a job soon.Huahua
(正文)However,I found you had used a wrong chinese idiom in your letter.You shouldn't have used "无所不为",but instead,you should have used "无所事事".That's because the former one means do all kinds of bad things while the latter means having noting to do,which would express what you really meant.But please don't get depressed,for learning a foreign language cannot avoid making mistakes,just as how I'm trying hard to study your language.Therefore,I hope you'll feel good to find out and correct those mistakes you'll surely make when learning chinese,and I also want you to correct mine,too.I'm sure we will have a good command of the language we're learning as long as we help each other all out.

谁能帮我写篇英语作文(高中)很急啊,我后天就要开学了, 谁能帮我写篇英语作文(高中)我后天就要开学了,文章的开头和结尾:Hi Tom,Nice tou read your e-mail today.I noticed you've begun to use chinese idioms and used most of them corectlly..Hope you'll find a job soon.Huahua 谁有300词的英语作文啊?急用!最好是写春节的,我后天就要用的. 《我与航天》作文写法,后天就要交了! 我要写2篇作文,大概要多长时间我有2篇作文后天要交(英语的)我明天想用一天的时间写,你们写英语作文的时候大概需要多长时间? 我的愿望作文(600字)是写当科学家的,要写发明出的东西,有两样是重点.后天就要交, 我现在数学作业有34面,语文有十几篇读后感要写还有释词,英语有12篇60词的作文要还有5份数学试卷,但是后天就要交作业了怎么办啊? 写松鼠的作文800字我们老师让我们回家写篇作文,后天就要读书了,可是我怎么也写不来,希望好心人能写一篇给我模仿,我保证一定不会抄~ 《妈妈的时间都去哪了》作文400字后天就要交了,写的请别乱写,我要例文 ●急需1篇英语On duty!●需要一篇超简单、字数在100词以下的英语作文(不要自我介绍).后天我就要On duty了! 旅游英语作文谁能帮我写一篇高中 关于旅游的英语作文 谢谢 100 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文------《我喜欢的.电影》求.今天就要! 写事 的作文 我后天要交的. 字数要600字左右都可以要自己写的我要的是作文啊 快点我后天就要叫了这么多分 快 谁能帮我写一个容纳的作文?后天就交了!摆脱! 后天就要英语比赛啦,一分钟自我介绍英语作文, 我的好老师作文 300字左右 !快 后天就要交了!1 我拥有 半命题作文要600百字,摆脱大哥们帮帮忙,后天就要交了,