英语天才请进来David ___(go)for a walk in the park yesterdayTom is 125___(centimetre)We can go to ShangHai by tain = wecan ___ ___ ___to Shanghai

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:50:31
英语天才请进来David ___(go)for a walk in the park yesterdayTom is 125___(centimetre)We can go to ShangHai by tain = wecan ___ ___ ___to Shanghai
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英语天才请进来David ___(go)for a walk in the park yesterdayTom is 125___(centimetre)We can go to ShangHai by tain = wecan ___ ___ ___to Shanghai
David ___(go)for a walk in the park yesterday
Tom is 125___(centimetre)
We can go to ShangHai by tain = wecan ___ ___ ___to Shanghai

英语天才请进来David ___(go)for a walk in the park yesterdayTom is 125___(centimetre)We can go to ShangHai by tain = wecan ___ ___ ___to Shanghai
David _went__(go)for a walk in the park yesterday
Tom is 125_centimetres__(centimetre)
We can go to ShangHai by tain = we can _take__ _a__ _train__to Shanghai

David went for a walk in the park yesterday.
Tom is 125 centimeters tall. (你把“厘米”的英文都打错了~)
We can take the train to Shanghai.
要是还有什么英文问题的话就问我吧,我可是超在行的!:)Ben and his father ___(ta...


David went for a walk in the park yesterday.
Tom is 125 centimeters tall. (你把“厘米”的英文都打错了~)
We can take the train to Shanghai.


take a train

英语天才请进来David ___(go)for a walk in the park yesterdayTom is 125___(centimetre)We can go to ShangHai by tain = wecan ___ ___ ___to Shanghai 英语天才.进来😘 英语天才都进来看看吧 请英语天才进来Mr Green is ___(live) in ShangHaiMy eyes are much bigger than ___(she)far的过去式Look,the boy ___(play)fooball with his ____(classmate)Tom is 125 ___(centimetre)I want ___(meet) her one day 数学天才请进来看看,(要写因为所以) 数学天才进来下 学英语的同志们进来一哈子turn on的对应词组是什么?I often_________home at 4'o clock.(1.goes 2.go 3.went 4.go to )What are you doing________?(偶个人观点是now,请各位大侠们指点一二)You will go out for dinner tonight,___ 物理天才请进来为什么滚动比滑动的摩擦力要小? 请解释! 英语天才进来woud you piease ___(read)it for meYou should __(do)much exerciseWhichi is ___(heavy),the elephont or the pigMr Smitj asked YangLing how ___(get)to the shopping centerTurn righet at the second ___(cross)How many ___(s Tom David and ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ will go to the film festival.空里填和其他许多著名的影星 戴维曾经去过英语国家吗?___ David ever ___ to an English-speaking country? 英语天才 请看看怎么写 英语翻译请英语高手进来,帮下, 请进来坐翻译成英语 科学天才进来北方湖水结冰,当时的气温是零下21摄氏度,则冰的温度___水的温度___ go to meet David在英语里有没有什么特别的意思 英语进来! 英语进来