
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 22:01:48
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side dish 配菜
casserole 砂锅
to have your hands full 忙的不可开交 手忙脚乱
spring fresh 清新 清爽
crystal clear 清澈 及其明白
Hong Kong 香港
shooting fish in a barrel 很容易办到
prawn 虾
vivacious 鲜活的
jump from the frying pan into the fire跳出油锅 又进火坑
Despot crab 霸王蟹
starch 淀粉
season 调味
take a bath 泡 澡
bath 泡
pour the hot water onto the chicken 用勺将开水浇在鸡肉上
dip the chicken in and out of water 提着鸡脖子,反复出入水中
air the chicken 晾
air 晾
ice and water 迅速冷却和上色鸡皮
spa 精油马沙鸡,香油桑拿
soy sauce 酱油,酱料
chicken 鸡,胆小
chicken out 临阵脱逃
chicken feed 很少的钱,微小的事
pepper 辣椒
Chinese pepper 中国辣椒,花椒
chicken wing 鸡翅
chicken leg 鸡腿
Sicjuan pepper 四川辣椒
fried chicken 炸鸡
chicken feed 鸡食(形容什么东西的量很少)
spring chicken 没有经验的年轻人,毛孩子
roast duck 烤鸭
succeed 成功
yangko 秧歌
it melts in your mouth 入口即化
homeward bound 归心似箭
condiment sauce 蘸料 调料酱
condiment 作料
boiled mutton 涮羊肉
clockwese 顺时针
make someone's mouth water 垂涎欲滴
nataral flawr 原汁原味
garlic 大蒜
sesame oil 香油
MSG 味精
parsley 欧芹
rosemary 迷迭香
thyme 百里香
mint 薄荷
steal my job 抢饭碗
eg:I won't steal your job.
vendor's cries 吆喝
as sound as a bell 健康,健壮,声如洪钟
eg:Look!Your constition is as sound as a bell!
The master's voice is as sound as a bell!那位师傅的嗓子真亮啊!
set course 套餐
sticky rice powde 糯米面r
rare 五分熟
medium 七分熟
well-done 全熟
barbecue 烤肉
eg:Let's barbecue.咱们烤肉吧