
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 17:06:06
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Please help me to translate the following contents ,online ,thank you!
I am so happy for this day and you are a person with great fun ,You are hoped to enjoy the time when you have stay with us ,wish you have a pleasant trip tomorrow

I am really happy today. you are so fun. Hope you enjoy the time we are together as well. Wish you a good trip tomorrow.

Today I'm very happy, you are a humor person, hope that you can enjoy yourself in the time with us , hope you have a good journey tomorrow.

I had a lot of fun today! You are definitely an interesting person and I hope you also enjoyed our time together. Take care and enjoy the rest of your journey.

I'm very happy today. You are humorous. I hope that you can also enjoy the time we share together. Have a nice trip tomorrow!

I‘m very happy today,you are an interesting man ,I hope you can enjoy the time when stay with us,you may have a wounderful journey tomorrow.
With best wishes!

M very happy today.
UR a person of great fun.
Hope U can also enjoy times with us.
May U a wonderful journey tomorrow.

英语翻译今天很开心,你是一个很有趣的人,希望你也享受和我们在一起的时光,祝你们明天旅途愉快. 现在完成时,英语翻译,你玩的开心么?是的,很开心 英语翻译故宫非常有趣但是有点拥挤而且今天是个好天气很清爽我真的非常喜欢故宫!里面很漂亮很开心 今天是春节.我很开心. 用英语翻译 英语翻译阅读使我很开心今天,我读了《乌鸦和瓶子》,这是一篇很有趣的文章.里面是讲了:一天,天气很热,一只大乌鸦飞到了树上,他非常的渴.又飞到了树底下,看到了一个瓶子,里面装了一些 我今天很开心,用英语翻译. 英语翻译 他的那些有趣的故事使我很开心 他的那些有趣的故事使我很开心 英语翻译 只要你开心我就很开心用英语翻译. 英语翻译你好啊也很高兴见到你.上次以为你认错人了.今天很开心,一会吃晚饭了 愿你今天是开心快乐的一天!英文怎麼说, 如何变成一个有趣的人我见过有一些人能够和初次见面的人或者是老朋友很聊得来,事后那个人反应和他聊天很开心,很有趣,究竟聊什么样的话题才会让人感觉很有趣呢?是话题的选择还是说话 英语翻译请帮我翻译成越南语,如下:亲爱的,认识你我很开心!在越南这段日子里过得很开心,谢谢你给我一个美好的回忆,更开心的是你能叫我一声:老公,我永远都会记得你,我希望你天天过得 你今天在幼儿园过的怎么样?(你今天在幼儿园开心吗?) 我很开心 用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译今天是10月1日,是国庆节,我们都很开心.今天在北京举行了盛大的阅兵. “今天我们很开心”的英语 你是一个有趣的人 用英语怎么说 童趣:你认为怎么做是一个有趣的人?