11年新课标英语高考题完形填空the professor ____the lecture hall ,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans,and invited the students to.答案是marched into,为什么looked at不行?教授先看着报告厅再放豆子动

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 04:51:43
11年新课标英语高考题完形填空the professor ____the lecture hall ,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans,and invited the students to.答案是marched into,为什么looked at不行?教授先看着报告厅再放豆子动
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11年新课标英语高考题完形填空the professor ____the lecture hall ,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans,and invited the students to.答案是marched into,为什么looked at不行?教授先看着报告厅再放豆子动
the professor ____the lecture hall ,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans,and invited the students to.答案是marched into,为什么looked at不行?

11年新课标英语高考题完形填空the professor ____the lecture hall ,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans,and invited the students to.答案是marched into,为什么looked at不行?教授先看着报告厅再放豆子动
注意到此句中教授的动作是连贯的,marched into是走进,进入的意思,looked at指具体看着某一处.结合全句,这里应该是“教授走进演讲厅,将一个巨大的装满干豆的瓶子放在桌子上,并且邀请学生.”所以marched into比较合适.上面有腔调,look at sb/sth是固定用法,没有looked at sw的说法,要说看着演讲厅也是"looked around "好一点呀

11年新课标英语高考题完形填空the professor ____the lecture hall ,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans,and invited the students to.答案是marched into,为什么looked at不行?教授先看着报告厅再放豆子动 2013新课标全国二英语完形填空答案 2012江苏卷的英语高考题的完形填空,求翻译?求翻译,翻译好后有重谢文章第二段是The Package consisted of a long,narrow box carefully wrapped in brown paper.opening the box,oscar saw an mareila inside—a very old one with a 谁知道人教版新课标英语初一下册9至11单元的试题哪里能搜到英汉互译,词形变化,给词填空,AB栏目,补全对话,改错,完形填空,书面表达,火速 高一英语完形填空和阅读理解练习的书什么书好?我今年高一下学期了 四川的 这种书分省份吗?我们省昨年才开始新课标改革 如果是以前的完形填空有改变吗?求学习帝推荐一本关于完形填空 高一英语新课标必修一单词听力录音 高一英语人教版新课标听力下载 高一新课标英语必修3课文听力 mp3 高一新课标英语必修3课文听力 高一新课标英语必修3课文听力 激情英语 九年级完形填空(上) 新课标 活页卷Passage19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 英语新课标 新课标英语录音, 新课标培优专项通英语专项训练七年级完形填空40答案题目打不上去 高三英语完形填空 完形填空英语高一 高二英语完形填空, 高一英语、完形填空答案