Riddle(你能猜出来吗?)1.What is the difference between here and there?__________________________2.What are the strongest days of the week?____________________________3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?____________________4.Why i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:56:52
Riddle(你能猜出来吗?)1.What is the difference between here and there?__________________________2.What are the strongest days of the week?____________________________3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?____________________4.Why i
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Riddle(你能猜出来吗?)1.What is the difference between here and there?__________________________2.What are the strongest days of the week?____________________________3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?____________________4.Why i
1.What is the difference between here and there?__________________________
2.What are the strongest days of the week?____________________________
3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?____________________
4.Why is the letter"R"like Christmas?________________________
5.At what time of day was Adam born?______________________
1.Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?(为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱?)
2.Why are dogs afraid to sunbath?(狗为什么害怕目光浴?)
3.What can pierce one's ears without a hole?(什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?)
1.Great hope makes great men.__________________
2.Love is always my fight to you.Happy birthday!_____________________

Riddle(你能猜出来吗?)1.What is the difference between here and there?__________________________2.What are the strongest days of the week?____________________________3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?____________________4.Why i
1.The letter “t”
2.Saturday and Sunday.Because all the others are weak (week) days
3.Because he wanted to rock and roll
4.Because it comes at the end of December
5.Just before Eve
1.For they make a little food go a long way

Riddle(你能猜出来吗?)1.What is the difference between here and there?__________________________2.What are the strongest days of the week?____________________________3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?____________________4.Why i 这个成语你能猜出来吗? 你能猜出来吗 用英语怎么说 你猜出来了吗?【英文翻译】 下面算式中的每个汉字代表一个数字,你能猜出来吗 下面的成语中各藏着一位古代诗人的名字,你能猜出来吗? 下面每张图都代表一个成语,你能猜出来吗?. 数字迷.列数字中隐含着成语,你能猜出来吗?12345609( )1+2+3( )333 555( )3.5( )括号“()”填成语 1.口木不是呆,不作杏字猜;你若猜困字,还没猜出来() 过目不忘~能猜出来数字吗?再线等 急主要 猜出来数字来~说说为什么?还有 寒冬腊月 也猜出来数字~彩票谜语 猜成语?(小学五年级暑假作业)下面每个数字式隐含一个成语,你能猜出来吗?(小学五年级暑假作业)1. 12345609( )2. 1256789 ( )3. 1+2+3 ( )4. 333 555( 下面数字谜语的谜底是成语,你能猜出来吗?1000^2=100*100*100 【脑筋急转弯】 地球上哪一部分绝对照不到太阳 看看你能猜出来吗?哈哈 我们家有一张照片,上面有两个爸爸,两个儿子,你能猜出来照片上有几个人吗? 你能猜出两条谜语的谜底吗 你能猜出“题词箱”的原理吗? 你能根据描述猜出是什么动物吗? 你能猜出下列单词的意思吗?TOWN__FIND____