帮帮忙我急需一英语作文(演讲稿),谁有?水平不需要太高(大概是高一的水平就行)..英语中有句谚语"A friend in need is a friend indeed"你展开以"交友之道"为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 06:06:22
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帮帮忙我急需一英语作文(演讲稿),谁有?水平不需要太高(大概是高一的水平就行)..英语中有句谚语"A friend in need is a friend indeed"你展开以"交友之道"为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据
英语中有句谚语"A friend in need is a friend indeed"你展开以"交友之道"为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据下面的提示写一篇120词左右的演讲搞.开头已给出.
How to Make Friends 开头:Everyone needs friends,so how to make real friends is very important to everyone.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(是写演讲稿哦~)

帮帮忙我急需一英语作文(演讲稿),谁有?水平不需要太高(大概是高一的水平就行)..英语中有句谚语"A friend in need is a friend indeed"你展开以"交友之道"为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据
As we all know,a friend in need is a friend indeed.A harmonious friendship is as necessary as the air around us.Friends bring the distance between people nearer.Friends encourage us to cheer up when we face failure or distress.All in all,friendship is an indispensable part of our life.
Owing to the importance of harmonious relationships,we should think about how we can do to improve our friendships.I think that the quality of generosity is what good friends need.What else?Smiles,like food,can bring warmth to others.The reason why smiles have such a large effect is that they demonstrate our friendliness.
When you are so angry that you are out of control,please calm down and don’t let your anger do any harm.
We all know a story similar to this:Two Men and a Bear.In the forest,when a bear attacked them,the thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of a tree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy,who could not climb the tree,about helping each other when in danger.Luckily,the fatter man saved himself.The fatter mat was very disappointed,and when they got together again,he said to the thinner man,"You are not my real friend.Only a friend in need is a friend indeed".This is a very familiar story.It illustrates to us what a friend should be like.It is,however,just a story.
I would like to tell you something about myself,my true feel-ings.When I was in Senior One,I had great difficulty in learning science subjects.I was unable to understand the teacher and 1 could not do the exercises or the homework.I believed that I was stupid and could not learn anything.The sky was gray and the grass was yellow those days.Everything was a mess in my brain.My classmate,a good student,whom I only considered as one of the classmates before,came to me with a smile.She told me that if I needed help,she would like to help me.As she was also very busy with her studies,I asked myself,"Could she help me?"Sev-eral days later,I knew the answer.Yes,she could.She did as much as she could.She made time every day to help me solve the problems and showed me many good ways to study science.Her patience and earnest nature touched me deeply.I worked very hard and my progress was reflected in my examination result.I appreciated her help very much and wanted to thank her.When I looked at her,once again she smiled at me with an encouraging and congratulatory look.At that moment I understood that a true friend should be like this.
Nowadays,it seems that there are many ways of expressing friendship.Our lives are generally better.People now have more time to consider and be more concerned about their lives.Money,which is considered by many to be of prime importance,makes it difficult to find true friendship.Is friendship only greeting each other on meeting?Is friendship only drinking and eating together?Is friendship only lending money to each other?No,a friend Should be a person you trust and understand.A friend should be a person who tastes happiness and bitterness with you.A friend should be a person who can give you confidence and encouragement.
Though everything has changed,and friendship has scores of definitions,I still believe,and I will believe forever that "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed".

帮帮忙我急需一英语作文(演讲稿),谁有?水平不需要太高(大概是高一的水平就行)..英语中有句谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed你展开以交友之道为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据 急需高一英语演讲稿200词左右、、、演讲主题是我爱英语 希望英语风采大赛一分钟演讲稿、急需 诚信英语演讲稿大哥大姐帮帮忙,我急需一分关于诚信的演讲短文, 怎么写祖国在我心中的演讲稿?朋友帮帮忙啊!本人急需! 三篇 做一个有道德的人 演讲稿我急需3篇关于做一个有道德的人的演讲稿,请各位兄弟姐妹帮帮忙,分可以追加哦!帮帮忙吧! 有关于地铁的英语作文,急需!急需!急需!急需!急需!急需!急需!急需!急需! 急需、、我有一个梦想为演讲稿.100字左右. 急需演讲稿范文请围绕【我有一个梦想】 给我提供一篇演讲稿! 帮帮忙我急需一英语作文,谁有?水平不需要太高(大概是高一的水平就行)..英语写作 英语中有句谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed你展开以交友之道为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据 谁能给我一个一分钟英语自我介绍演讲稿?(以及自命题演讲)越好分越高.比赛用的 英语作文《An interesting trip>>七年级(70字左右)急需,帮帮忙吧!不光是我要,还有一大群人等着呢!谢谢了帮帮忙! 谁有幽默的英文演讲稿(200词左右,急用)我现在参加一个英语演讲比赛,现在急需一个内容,要非常幽默的,不要对话的! 我急需一个名叫“祖国在我心中”的作文.急!急!不要演讲稿!切记! “我骄傲我是中国人”演讲稿急需 我急需演讲稿题目为 急需演讲稿:祖国在我心中 祖国在我心中演讲稿,急需!