
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 10:39:39
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三个鬼的投诉(Three spirits of complaints)
  有一天他们在逛街的时候遇到了上帝!他们对上帝说,他们都死得很惨希望让他们上天堂!上帝很无奈地说,现在天堂的住户太多,已经爆满.但现在还有一个名额!你们说吧,看谁死得最惨,就让谁上天堂!(Shopping one day when they met with god! They say to god, they all died badly to let them go to heaven! God is very reluctantly, many households now paradise, already full. But now there is a quota! You say, who will die most miserably, who let heaven!)
  第一个鬼说…(The first demons said...)
  我生前是一个清洁工.工作很辛苦的!从早忙到晚!有一天,我正在一栋大厦外面擦玻璃!是那种吊在外面的高空危险工作!在第30多楼!突然,我脚一滑,失足掉下去了!我想,完了!要死了!但求生本能让我在无意识地乱抓!很幸运地,我抓住了一个阳台的栏杆,在13楼.我想,有救了!于是想等缓过劲后爬上去!哪知,突然有人把我的手一揎,我又掉下去了!我想,这下我真的完了!但是,我命不该决,底下有一个帐篷接住了我,我庆幸前世肯定积了德想等缓过劲就下去.谁知,上面掉下来一个冰箱,把我砸死了!(I was a dustman. Work hard! From the early favour to late! One day, I was a building outside wipe glass! Is that hang out in the high risk work! In the first 30 floor! Suddenly, my foot slipped and slipped away! I think, finished! To die! But the survival instinct lets me unconsciously scratching! Fortunately, I caught a balcony railing, on the 13th floor. I think that has been already saved! Then after the slow lead strength to climb! But suddenly, someone put my hand a Xuan, I fell down! I think, I really finished! However, I am definitely not under a tent, caught me, I am glad to accumulate a past certainly such slow lead strength will go down. Behold, a refrigerator, put down I die!)
  第二个鬼说……(The second ghost said...)
  我生前是一个文员.什么都还好,我有一个老婆,很漂亮.身材很棒!但就是有点水性扬花.我有轻微的心脏病.有一天上班忘了带药,我回家去拿.一进门,看见老婆头发散乱、衣衫不整.肯定有奸夫.于是我满屋找,厨房也找,厕所也找,都没找到.到了阳台,我发现有两只手扒在栏杆上,我想:奸夫!于是把他的手一揎.心想,13楼!看摔不死你!结果等我一看,居然没死!被帐篷接住了!我着急,于是满屋找,进了厨房,发现冰箱够大,于是把冰箱扔下去.终于把他砸死了!我当时太高兴了!大笑不止.谁知笑得心肌埂塞,笑死了!(I was a clerk. Nothing is good, I have a wife, very beautiful. Good shape! But it is a bit fickle. I have mild heart disease. One day at work, I forgot to take home. A door, saw his wife in disorder, hair. There must be a man. So I find, kitchen also filled the toilet also looking for, and couldn't find. To the balcony, I discover that you have two hands pick on the railing, I think: man! Then put his hand Xuan. Thought, 13 floor! Watch fell deathless you! As a result, I didn't die! Was caught tents! I hurry, then houseful looking into the kitchen, refrigerator is enough big, so that the refrigerator throw down. Finally he kills! I was so happy! Laughing. Laugh and laugh fruiticosa, cardiac death!)
  第三个鬼说……(The third ghost said...)
  我生前是个小混混,但我没做过什么坏事!有一天我到一个女性朋友家里晃!刚刚办完事,她老公突然回了!我得找地方藏起来.于是厨房也找厕所也找,最后发现他们家冰箱挺大的,于是我就躲进冰箱里去了!我就不明白,她老公怎么知道我在冰箱里,他居然把冰箱从13楼给扔下去了!我就这样连人带冰箱摔死了!(I was a small hun hun, but I didn't do anything wrong! One day I went to a female friend home around! Just do finished, her husband suddenly back! I have somewhere to hide. So the kitchen and toilet is also looking for them, and finally found the fridge is big, so I hid in the fridge. I don't know how I know, her husband in the refrigerator, he dumped refrigerators from 13 floor to throw down! I was so and refrigerator dead!)

有没有英文的鬼故事不要恐怖的是喜剧的那种,500字左右最好有中文翻译谢谢! 结局出乎意料的好看英文电影不要暴力和喜剧可以是有一点点恐怖气氛的电影或悬疑类电影 求英文gay电影…片子要有情节,最好是喜剧,不要玩暧昧的那种,男猪脚要帅要喜剧结尾谢谢 674957369@qq.com 求恐怖故事(不是鬼故事),中短篇,像“小丑雕像”那种长度左右,要最恐怖的,最好越想越害怕!不要灵异的! 求恐怖逻辑故事?我要的是那种像巴士故事那样的恐怖逻辑故事! 这是一个恐怖的故事 英文翻译这句话不是找一个恐怖故事,是把“这是一个恐怖的故事 ”翻译成英文 大家有没有英文的圣诞故事越多越好,不要太长是圣诞起源的故事 什么鬼片恐怖很恐怖的那种 2011年有什么好看的电影啊 要伤心一点的不要喜剧、恐怖好的话,像《宫》《恋爱通告》那样结局,要不电视剧也可以 这是个恐怖的故事? 跪求恐怖的英语小故事要很恐怖,很短的那种 喜剧故事的悲剧结尾的文学作品有哪些? 几句话的恐怖故事,有谁知道? 豌豆公主英文版请问大家有没有安徒生的“豌豆公主” 的英文版故事?不要很难的那种, 英语展示:求灵异事件我们英语课的presentation是关于ghost的话题,我需要两个灵异故事作为事例说明鬼魂的存在,有没有什么好故事提供?不需要太恐怖.如果是英文的更好 英语展示:求灵异事件我们英语课的presentation是关于ghost的话题,我需要两个灵异故事作为事例说明鬼魂的存在,有没有什么好故事提供?不需要太恐怖.如果是英文的更好 有没有描写野外恐怖环境的句子,比较荒凉的那种 史上最恐怖的鬼故事要长点的