美国大学物理题,但我物理超差.帮帮忙哥哥姐姐第一题:A second baseman tosses the ball to the first baseman,who catches it at the same level from which it was thrown.The throw is made with an initial speed of 19.0 m/s at an angle

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 12:14:37
美国大学物理题,但我物理超差.帮帮忙哥哥姐姐第一题:A second baseman tosses the ball to the first baseman,who catches it at the same level from which it was thrown.The throw is made with an initial speed of 19.0 m/s at an angle

美国大学物理题,但我物理超差.帮帮忙哥哥姐姐第一题:A second baseman tosses the ball to the first baseman,who catches it at the same level from which it was thrown.The throw is made with an initial speed of 19.0 m/s at an angle
第一题:A second baseman tosses the ball to the first baseman,who catches it at the same level from which it was thrown.The throw is made with an initial speed of 19.0 m/s at an angle of 35.0° above the horizontal.(Neglect air resistance.)
How long is the ball in the air?
第2题:Babe Didrikson holds the world record for the longest baseball throw (296 ft) by a woman.For the following questions,assume that a ball is thrown at an angle of 45.0° above the horizontal,that it travels a horizontal distance of 279 ft,and is caught at the same level from which it was thrown.
(a) What is the ball's initial speed?
(b) How long is the ball in the air?

美国大学物理题,但我物理超差.帮帮忙哥哥姐姐第一题:A second baseman tosses the ball to the first baseman,who catches it at the same level from which it was thrown.The throw is made with an initial speed of 19.0 m/s at an angle
the first one
in the vertical direction,the ball up and down ,and to the same level,so the time t=2*19.0*sin35.0/g(including up time and down time)
the second one
assume initial speed is v,
horizontal direction vcosa=S/t
vertical direction t=2v*sina/g
so v=根号(gs)

美国大学物理题,但我物理超差.帮帮忙哥哥姐姐第一题:A second baseman tosses the ball to the first baseman,who catches it at the same level from which it was thrown.The throw is made with an initial speed of 19.0 m/s at an angle 初二物理题!求人解答 我物理超差观察一下乐器是怎么样发出声音的,有是怎么改变音调和响度的. 我想去美国,可英语超烂我想去美国读大学,可英语超烂,家里又是工薪阶层啊.但我觉得自己的个人能力很强啊,美国的大学不是很看重能力吗?又什么 不知道的不要捣乱.....知道的可以留下联系 物理串联并联练习题这里的一套物理题我做完了,可惜没有答案,我想对一对答案,好哥哥好姐姐们帮帮忙,处处时间来帮我做做吧, 明年我哥哥要上大学 翻译成英语大神们帮帮忙 我的英语超差 大学的英语又该怎么办 我的英语超差 大学的英语又该怎么办 求一题大学物理题,我急! 我数学,物理好,但化学差,怎么办? 一道大学物理题,真空中的静电场我感觉是0··但答案不是i? 我英语语法超差,怎么办 我英语基础超差,但现想学葡萄牙语,没有什么目的性,可以帮我吗? 初中数学:基础知识,但我上高中了,反而忘了,超简单!帮帮忙 初二人教版物理第二学期所有学过的公式麻烦各位哥哥姐姐帮下忙额、 我物理就是计算差... 我数学超级差.政治英语比数学好点点,但也差,考什么大学适合数学150的分大概就考20.30分.政治100分的话能考40.50分.英语150可以考70.80分.这样可以考什么样的大学?顺便把可以考的大学名字和属 学会计 要记忆好的吗我记忆力超差 所以英语都不好 但物理蛮好的 还是擅长理解记忆规律类的我是理科女 125×25×8用简便的方法计算怎么算?请各位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙,我数学成绩特别差! 如何学习物理 但我在做物理题时思路一片空白 如何改善这一现象?