
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:29:35
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Curse [kɜ:s] 诅咒
We may fall [fɔ:l] in love
But I want you body more
You are always so (impatient [ɪmˈpeɪʃnt] 不耐烦的; 热切的,渴望的;) to get a kiss but I stop you
Play with your black hair put them (behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] 在...后面) your ears
My beautiful girl your (skin [skɪn] 皮肤) looks ( whiter ['wɑɪˌtər] 白的,苍白的 ) than the snow
Oh ,poor girl ,something on your (neck [nek] 颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡;),(shakes [ʃeɪks] 动摇; 摇头; 使发抖) so much
I (feel [fi:l] 感觉)( crazy ['kreɪzɪ]疯狂的) ,I can't (stand [stænd]使站立; 忍受; 抵御; 承担责任) it
Come with me ,let's be (addicted[ə'dɪktɪd] 上瘾的) to love
This love is too (dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒərəs] 危险的)
My body feels so (uncontrollable[ˌʌnkən'trəʊləbl] 无法控制的)
Your (lips [lɪps] 嘴唇)are so (soft [sɒft] 柔软的),but (soon [su:n] 马上)might be (filled [fɪld] 满的; 填满的; 充气的; 加载的) with (cries[kraɪs] 眼泪)
I (thought [θɔ:t] 想( think的过去式和过去分词); 思索; 以为; 认为; ) if I tell you the story you (would [wʊd] 将,将要; )be (moved[mu:vd] 感动)
But you (left [left] 离开)like you've (never ['nevə(r)] 从不)been here at all
This is a curse on me
No .you're the curse on me
I saw you were( hiding[ˈhaɪdɪŋ] 躲藏,隐匿) there and (heard [hɜ:d] 听见)your (breath [breθ] 呼吸)from here
Your( shining['ʃaɪnɪŋ] 光亮的; 华丽的; )tears are beautiful ,just like the( perfect['pɜ:fɪkt] 完美的) (bride[braɪd] 新娘)
(Follow[ˈfɔləu] 跟随) me ,I will show you everthing
What you'll have and where we'll live
I feel crazy ,I can't stand it
Come with me ,let's be addicted to love
This love is too dangerous
My body feels so uncontrollable
Your lips are so soft ,but soon might be filled with cries
I thought if I tell you the story you would be moved
But you left like you've never been here at all
This is a curse on me
Yes .you're the curse on me
You're( lying ['laɪŋ] 躺)on the (floor [flɔ:(r)] 地板),( sound [saʊnd] 听起来)so (painful [ˈpeɪnfl] 痛苦的)
Something (warm [wɔ:m] 温暖的)and red ,( tastes[teɪsts] 尝,品尝) (sweet[swi:t] 甜的; 愉快的,快乐的;)
You'll be (alright [ɔ:lˈraɪt] 好的)
When you're (ready['redɪ] 准备好的) to be with me
We've been in love in other( lives[laɪvz] 生命(life的复数); 生物,活物; 生活( life的名词复数 ); 生命; 一生; 生活方式; )
This love is too dangerous
My body feels so uncontrollable
Your lips are so soft ,but soon might be filled with cries
I thought if I tell you the story you would be moved
But you left like you've never been here at all
This love is too dangerous
My body feels so uncontrollable
Your lips are so soft ,but soon might be filled with cries
I thought if I tell you the story you would be moved
But you left like you've never been here at all
This is a curse on me
Yeah .you're the curse on me

有没有会说英文的.帮忙弄一首歌的中文音译 帮忙告诉我几个s开头的女生英语名字英文和音译.有中文意思更好. 帮忙把王力宏火力全开英文部分用中文,音译过来,.英文不好的飘过. 和平世界的英文RAP中文音译 中文音译英文“喜盈宝”---孕妇服饰品牌 用其音译为英文 可译为上口的自创单词 请英语好的帮忙给想一下 有没有会说中文的奥巴马? 英文音译成中文Innovation音译成中文怎么说,要好听点的 英语翻译好听点的 多说几个晕说错了 是音译音译音译音译音译音译音译音译音译! 想取个英文名,想是中文的英文音译,“fēng”的英文音译是什么? 中文音译英文 谁能帮忙给“俊 迈”取个音译的英文名字啊中文名:俊 迈 ,意 为英 俊 豪 迈求高手能把这个音译为英文吗、谢谢! 能源的意大利语音译中文音译 有哪些中文词汇是由英文音译过来的?比如多米诺骨牌dominoes 请教中文音译英文情人草,帮忙把这个词汇音译成英文.英文读起来就是情人草的中文读法.最好是能简短一点,单词少点,好记,请再给一些好的建议, 请会泰语的朋友帮忙把中文名字李金娟音译成泰国语,发音相同就行. MANZANILLO是个什么地方?好像是墨西哥的一个地名,有没有中文音译名? 帮忙把中文名字译成英文帮忙把名字翻译成英文.要音译的那种,粤语音、台湾式、韦氏等等.名字:美玲 闪亮的英文怎么读?用中文音译 麦克格雷迪的英文全名音译成中文是什么?