
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:17:11
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You never know what you can do till you try· 不试怎知你不行呢?
042 You cannot catch old birds with chaff· 姜是老的辣;老鸟不上当.
043 Let sleeping dogs lie· 让睡的狗躺著;勿惹是生非;勿打草惊蛇.
044 Never judge by appearances· 人不可貌相;不可以貌取人.
045 It is ill striving against the stream· 逆流而行困难.
046 Saying is one thing doing another· 说是一回事,做是另一回事;说来容易做来难.
047 Paddle your own canoe· 自力更生;自己摇桨.
048 Patience is a viryue· 忍耐是美德.
049 Life is shore and time is swift· 生命短暂,光阴飞逝;及时行乐.
050 Make haste slowly· 欲速则不达

051 The fairest rose is at last withered· 好花终须凋谢.

052 Every dog has his day· 狗也有走的一天;凡人皆有得意日.
053 First thrive and then wive· 先立业再成家.
054 Example is better than precept· 实例胜过口训;身教重於言教.
055 The early bird catches the worm· 早起的鸟儿有虫吃;捷足先登.
056 He laughs best who laughs last· 最后笑的人的最高兴;别高兴太早.
057 Sweet are uses of adversity· 塞翁失马,焉知非福;祸中有福.
058 The best often the enemy of good· 完美是现况之敌.
059 Catch not at shadow and lose the substance· 勿抓影子而失去实质;不要舍本逐末.
060 Experience is th2e mother of wisdom· 经验为智慧之母.

061 Birds in their litte nests agree· 同舟共济;家和万事兴.
062 Better bend than break· 宁屈不断;大丈夫能屈能伸.
063 Evrything comes to him who waits· 等待的人终必得到.
064 Every little helps· 点滴都有用;积少成多.
065 A good name is sooner lost than won· 好名声得之难,失之易.
066 Easier said than done· 说时容易做时难;知易行难.
067 Enough is as good as a feast· 饱餐如同盛宴;凡事适可而止.
068 Bread is staff of life· 粮食是生活的支柱;民以食为天.
069 After a storm comes a calm· 否极泰来;雨过天晴.
070 The best of friends must part· 天下无不散的筵席.

071 Don‘t put the cart before the horse· 不要把马车放在马前;勿本末倒置.
072 Hoist your sail when the wind is fair· 顺风时扬帆;见机行事.
073 A contented is a perpetual feast· 知足常乐.
074 Better be sure than sorry· 宁安勿躁;安全总比后悔好.
075 All roads lead to Rome· 条条道路通罗马;殊途同归·
076 Blood is thicker than water· 血浓於水;疏不间亲.
077 Brevity is the soul of wit· 言以简洁为贵.
078 Between two stools you fall to the groun· 脚踏双凳必坠地;脚踏两头必落空.
079 Custom reconciles us to everything· 习惯成自然.
080 Discontent is the first step in progress· 不满是进步的开始.

081 It is no use crying over spilt milk· 打翻牛奶,哭也没用;覆水难收.
082 Life is sweet· 生命甜美,人皆好生.
083 It is easy to be wise after the event· 事后聪明容易;不轻一事,不长一智.
084 Never say die· 永远不要说「完了」;勿灰心.
085 Deeds,not words· 行动胜於空谈;莫坐而言,要起而行.
086 Constant dripping wears away the stone· 滴水穿石;铁杵磨成绣花针;
087 Coming events cast their shadows before· 事情发生前必有预兆;
088 Charity begins at home· 慈善要从家庭做起.
089 Don‘t make yourself a mouse ,
or the cat will cat yoy· 不要自贬身价,以免被人看轻.
090 Don‘t meet trouble-half-way· 勿杞人忧天,自寻烦恼.

091 You never know what yoy can do till you try· 不试怎知你不行呢?
092 Judge not,that you be not judged· 不论断人,以免被人论断.
093 More than enough is too much· 超过所需就是太多;凡事适可而止.
094 Like father,like son· 有其父必有其子.
095 No news is good news· 没消息,就是好消息.
096 Do as you would be done by· 己所欲,施於人.
097 The mills or God grind slowly· 天网恢恢,疏而不漏.
098 If you want peace,prepare for war· 欲求和平,先准备战争.
099 A bully is always a cownard· 恃强欺弱者是肉如懦夫.
100 Man prooses,God disposes· 谋事在人,成事在天.

apple in your eyes


Natural abilities are like natural plants ,that need pruning by study, and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large ,except they be bounded In by experience.
Bacon ,Of St...


Natural abilities are like natural plants ,that need pruning by study, and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large ,except they be bounded In by experience.
Bacon ,Of Studies ,Essays
As many languages as he has ,as many friends, as many arts and trades ,so many times is he a man.
Emerson ,Culture,The Conduct of Life
In a world as empirical as ours ,a youngster who does not know what he Is good at will not be sure what he is good for.
Edgar Friedenberg ,The Vanishing Adolescent
Skills vary with the man .We must tread a straight path and strive by that which is born in us.
Pindar ,Odes
A man must not deny his manifest abilities ,for that is to evade his obligations.
Robert Louis Stevenson ,The Treasure of Franchard
we may judge a man’s ability by three things :by what he has done (including the impression he has made on others ),by what he himself appears to believe he can do ,by our own dramatic imagination ,based on his immediate personality ,of what he might do. If these do not agree it is prudent to observe him further.
Charles Horton Cooley ,Life and the Student
We cannot change anything unless we accept it .Condemnation does not liberate it ,it oppresses.
Jung ,Psychological Reflections
The spirit of rejection finds its support in the consciousness of separateness ;the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity.
Tagore ,Letters to a Friend
A man dies still If he has done nothing ,as one who has done much.
Homer ,Iliad
Let the end try the man.
Shakespeare ,Henry IV
Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly ,use soberly ,distribute cheerfully ,and leave contentedly.
Bacon ,Of Riches ,Essays
In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.
Aristotle ,Nicomachean Ethics
A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much ,and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.
Georges Bernanos ,The Last Essays of Georges Bernanos
No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has ,the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken.
Emerson ,Power,The Conduct of Life
A life of action and danger moderates the dread of death .It not only gives us fortitude to bear pain ,but teaches us at every step the precarious tenure on which we hold our present being.
William Hazllit ,Table Talk
Action is thought tempered by illusion.
Elbert Hubbard ,The Philistine
The quality of a life is determined by its activities.
Aristotle ,Nicomachean Ethics
Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences .No good is ever done in this world by hesitation .Thomas Henry Huxley ,Aphorisms and Reflections
We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning ,justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific,concrete,individualized ,unique.
John Dewey ,Reconstruction in Philosophy
I have frequently experienced myself the mood in which I felt that all is vanity ,I have emerged from it not by means of any philosophy ,but owing to some imperative necessity of action.
Betrand Russell ,The Conqust of Happiness
Even if it doesn’t work ,there is something healthy and invigorating about direct action.
Henry Miller ,Remember to Remember
A life will be successful or not according to as the power of accommodation is equal to or unequal to the strain of fusing and adjusting internal and external changes.
Samuel Butler ,The Way of All Flesh
Adapt or perish ,now as ever ,is Nature’s inexorable imperative.
H .G. Wells ,Mind at the End of Its Tether
If you want to slip Into a round hole ,you must make a ball of yourself.
George Eliot ,The Mill on the Floss
Always we like those who admire us ,but we do not always like those whom we admire.
La Rochefoucauld ,Maxims
Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized .It is an irony of fate that I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and reverence from my fellow-beings ,through no fault ,and no merit of my own.
Einstein ,Ideas and Opinions
The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another ,not because he does not feel them ,but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
Aristotle ,Nicomachean Ethics


You never know what you can do till you try· 不试怎知你不行呢?
042 You cannot catch old birds with chaff· 姜是老的辣;老鸟不上当。
043 Let sleeping dogs lie· 让睡的狗躺著;勿惹是生非;勿打草惊蛇。
044 Never judge by appearan...


You never know what you can do till you try· 不试怎知你不行呢?
042 You cannot catch old birds with chaff· 姜是老的辣;老鸟不上当。
043 Let sleeping dogs lie· 让睡的狗躺著;勿惹是生非;勿打草惊蛇。
044 Never judge by appearances· 人不可貌相;不可以貌取人。
045 It is ill striving against the stream· 逆流而行困难。
046 Saying is one thing doing another· 说是一回事,做是另一回事;说来容易做来难。
047 Paddle your own canoe· 自力更生;自己摇桨。
