should student play computer 怎么写要去口语比赛 要求1分钟以上 出出主意吧

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:00:25
should student play computer 怎么写要去口语比赛 要求1分钟以上 出出主意吧
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should student play computer 怎么写要去口语比赛 要求1分钟以上 出出主意吧
should student play computer 怎么写
要去口语比赛 要求1分钟以上 出出主意吧

should student play computer 怎么写要去口语比赛 要求1分钟以上 出出主意吧
Recently,PC game becomes more and more popular.Many students like to play it.And it cause some problems of society.Some adult began to criticize PC game.They said that students were addicted to PC game.So they didn't pay attention to their study.Thus people should forbid students to play PC game.
But in my opinon,PC game has its advantage.When you are playing it ,you will think how to play the game,how to win the game,it helps you think much.And,it will help people to learn about some knoeledge of computer,and improve your typing speed.
So PC game has its advantage and disadvantage.And wo should treat it carefully.Don't eliminate it blindly.这里有一篇你参考下,建议结合自己的想法改一些.

Should Students Should Play Computer Games?
In contemporary society, computer games are now becoming increasingly popular. But in the meantime, public debate has been going on in my country over w...


Should Students Should Play Computer Games?
In contemporary society, computer games are now becoming increasingly popular. But in the meantime, public debate has been going on in my country over whether students should play computer games or not. The term “computer games” refers to video games played on personal computers, which now have a variety of genres, such as online games, local area net work games and emulation games. This essay will argue that students should not play computer games. The reasons for this include the threat to students’ health from computer games, the waste of time and the alienation between people.
In the first place, playing computer games may pose a threat to students’ physical soundness as well as psychological well-being. Specifically, Common complaints found among children obsessed with games are eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains, etc. Specialists have confirmed that children who spend too much time playing computer games not only are easily susceptible to long terms problems like bad posture
