
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:52:06
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a /ei/ name cake table
/æ/ apple cat map am
/α:/ want dance
/o/ what watch
b /b/ book big bag box
c /k/ cat cake cup clock car
/s/ face nice pencil books
d /d/ desk doll dog dad
e /i:/ he she meet me
/e/ elephant egg bed pen
f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan
g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove
/dз / age orange
h /h/ hat he house hand
i /ai / fine bike five ice
/i/ is sit miss pig picture
j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar
k /k/ kite cake black thank
l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp
/l/ apple bowl tell old
m/m/ am map my mouth milk
n /n/ no know new hand
o /əu / old home nose coke
/o/ dog not clock box
/∧ / son month mother love
p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple
q /kw / quite quilt quick
r /r/ red radio brother racket
s /s/ sit miss this smile books
/z/ nose those rose rulers
t /t/ it sit not that table little
u /ju:/ use usually excuse
/∧ / bus us sun duck
/ u / put pull push
v /v / five vase very seven
w /w/ we window watch want
x /ks / box six fox
y /ai / my fly why bye
/ j / yes yellow
/ i / happy baby very
z / z / zoo zero
ai /ei/ wait paint
ay /ei/ may play day say
air /εə / air hair chair
al /o:/ tall small ball
ar /α:/ farther farm car arm
ea /i:/ meat please tea read
/e/ head bread ready
/ iə / theater
ear / iə / ear hear near
/ εə / bear
/ ə:/ earth
ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep
eir / εə / their
er / ə / worker teacher
/ ə:/ her
ere /i ə / here
/εə / where there
ew /ju:/ new few
/u:/ flew grew
ight /ai / right high bright
ir /ə:/ bird girl shirt thirty
oa /əu / boat coat
ong /oŋ / long song
oo /u/ book foot good
/u:/ moon balloon
or / :/ short fork port
/ə:/ word world work
oor /o:/ door floor
ore /o:/ more store sore
ou / au / out house mouth
our /o:/ four your
/auə / our
ow/ əu / bowl window
/au / now cow flower
oy /oi/ boy toy
ur / ə:/ turn
th /θ/ thank mouth
/ δ/ this that with
tr /tr/ tree train truck
dr /dr/ dress driver
sh /∫/ shirt wash short
ch /t∫/ child chair catch
/ k / school Christmas
/ dз/ sandwich
tw /tw/ two twin twenty
wh /w/ white wheel what
/h/ who whose whom
ts /ts/ jackets kites
ds /dz/ birds

跟着视频学音标效果不大的,因为你发错了也没人跟你纠正。我之前就是报了 ABC 天下 ,外教面对面教学,不对的立即就纠正。


