关于冠词的问题"Football is ___sport I love,___sport that has given me so much,"A a;the B a;a C /;a D the;the前一个可以理解,后一个,为什么用a呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:07:58
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关于冠词的问题"Football is ___sport I love,___sport that has given me so much,"A a;the B a;a C /;a D the;the前一个可以理解,后一个,为什么用a呢?
"Football is ___sport I love,___sport that has given me so much,"
A a;the B a;a C /;a D the;the

关于冠词的问题"Football is ___sport I love,___sport that has given me so much,"A a;the B a;a C /;a D the;the前一个可以理解,后一个,为什么用a呢?
At last,he became the manager,a position he had always dreamt of.
a position用来解释manager.

关于冠词的问题Football is ___sport I love,___sport that has given me so much,A a;the B a;a C /;a D the;the前一个可以理解,后一个,为什么用a呢? 关于法语的冠词问题有绝对的零冠词名词吗?有的话,请举例子,genre算是无冠词名词吗?类似这种的多吗? 关于name……after的问题句型转换,改为同义句.People named this school after a football player.It is in our city.改为:This shool_____ _____a football player is in our city. 关于in case of的用法问题in case of accident对吗?为什么不加冠词? 英语里关于冠词的问题 报纸如早报前面加the吗 关于冠词的用法问题what is he?-he is a student.student是呼语前应该是零冠词.如 Are you free tomorrow,uncle?能说he is the student吗 为什么?我知道类指是说不通的(因为表示类指时:“the+单数名词”指的 The panda is a rare animal.A panda is a rare animal. Pandas are rare animals. 这三句话有什么区别?如上,关于英语的冠词语法问题!求高手解答!谢了! 节日名词前的冠词问题 英语关于冠词的选择题63.64.65 英语初三关于冠词的练习题 关于不可数名词冠词的用法 ①This the pen is mine.( ) ②This pen is mine.( ) 嘻嘻……是关于“冠词”的句子 关于球的英文单词,football 问几个初中简单的关于英语语法的问题学语法十分昏!希望回答!1.既然冠词在必须在名词的前面,而形容词也在名词的前面,那么:she is a beautiful girl.这句话为什么是冠词在形容词前面呢?2.what be 几个初中英语小问题(关于冠词的)1.人民公园和人民电影院前用不用定冠词2.__cold March is usually in the Northeast.前面填不填冠词,填什么?请帮忙翻译这两个句子.谢谢!1.Most people will have a bad ni 用适当的冠词填空,不需要冠词的地方划“/ ”This is _ old map.It is _ useful map.We have no classes in _ afternoon on _ Saturday.He likes playing _ football.His sister likes playing _ piano.Beijing is _ capital of _ China.It is _ beau 关于冠词的问题,下面哪一句话对1)a freshman of the Beijing University2)a freshman of Beijing University 想问个关于it用法的问题我想不通 In fact it is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.这句前面的it 为什么不能换成this或者that