for a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 18:13:47
for a
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for a
for a

for a
他女儿要和一个外国人结婚,这总使他感到心事重重的.He's really something for the fact that he had caught three of the thieves when he was outnumbered
他能在寡不敌众的情况下抓住三个小偷,真了不起 Lies can never changes fact
谎言终究是谎言 It is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru.
这是举世公认的事实 "He has published a number of Books and they all become best-sellers,the fact of which makes many people sit up and take notice"他最近出了几本十分畅销的书,这使得很多人对他刮目相看