
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:51:11
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Shadow play (Chinese:皮影戏,pí yĭng xì) or shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment using opaque,often articulated figures in front of an illuminated backdrop to create the illusion of moving images.It is popular in various cultures.At present,more than 20 countries are known to have shadow show troupes.
Mainland China
Shadow puppetry originated during the Han Dynasty when one of the concubines of Emperor Wu of Han died from an illness.The emperor was devastated,and he summoned his court officers to bring his beloved back to life.The officers made a shape of the concubine using donkey leather.Her joints were animated using 11 separate pieces of the leather,and adorned with painted clothes.Using an oil lamp they made her shadow move,bringing her back to life.[1][2] Shadow theatre became quite popular as early as the Song Dynasty when holidays were marked by the presentation of many shadow plays.During the Ming Dynasty there were 40 to 50 shadow show troupes in the city of Beijing alone.In the 13th century,the shadow show became a regular recreation in the barracks of the Mongolian troops.It was spread by the conquering Mongols to distant countries like Persia,Arabia,and Turkey.Later,it was introduced to other Southeastern Asian countries.[3] The earliest shadow theatre screens were made of mulberry paper.The storytellers generally used the art to tell events between various war kingdoms or stories of Buddhist sources.[1] Today,puppets made of leather and moved on sticks are used to tell dramatic versions of traditional fairy tales and myths.In Gansu province,it is accompanied by Daoqing music,while in Jilin,accompanying Huanglong music forms some of the basis of modern opera.[3]
Chinese shadow puppetry is shown in the 1994 Zhang Yimou film To Live.
[edit] Taiwan
The origins of Taiwan's shadow puppetry can be traced to the Chaochow school of shadow puppet theatre.Commonly known as leather monkey shows or leather shows,the shadow plays were popular in Tainan,Kaohsiung,and Pingtung as early as the Qing dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.).Older puppeteers estimate that there were at least a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in the closing years of the Qing.Traditionally,the eight to 12-inch puppet figures,and the stage scenery and props such as furniture,natural scenery,pagodas,halls,and plants are all cut from leather.As shadow puppetry is based on light penetrating through a translucent sheet of cloth,the "shadows" are actually silhouettes seen by the audience in profile or face on.Taiwan's shadow plays are accompanied by Chaochow melodies which are often called "priest's melodies" owing to their similarity with the music used by Taoist priests at funerals.A large repertoire of some 300 scripts of the southern school of drama used in shadow puppetry and dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has been preserved in Taiwan and is considered to be a priceless cultural asset..
[edit] Terminology
A number of terms are used to describe the different forms.
(皮影戏,pí yĭng xì) is a shadow theatre using leather puppets.The figures are usually moved behind a thin screen and is not entirely a show of shadows as it is more of a silhouette shadow.This gives the figures some color,and is not 100% black and white.
(纸影戏,zhĭ yĭng xì) is paper shadow theatre.
(中国影戏,zhōng guó yĭng xì) is Chinese shadow theatre.
元代时,皮影戏曾传到各个国家,这种源于中国的艺术形式,迷恋了多少国外戏迷,人们亲切地称它为 "中国影灯".


A shadow puppet

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