帮忙写两个英语对话,每个两分钟左右.1.Suppose your mom/dad loves old songs of the 1970s while you prefer songs of the new century.Now work with your partner to create a dialogue,representing the two views.2.Your group is required to cre

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:01:29
帮忙写两个英语对话,每个两分钟左右.1.Suppose your mom/dad loves old songs of the 1970s while you prefer songs of the new century.Now work with your partner to create a dialogue,representing the two views.2.Your group is required to cre
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帮忙写两个英语对话,每个两分钟左右.1.Suppose your mom/dad loves old songs of the 1970s while you prefer songs of the new century.Now work with your partner to create a dialogue,representing the two views.2.Your group is required to cre
1.Suppose your mom/dad loves old songs of the 1970s while you prefer songs of the new century.Now work with your partner to create a dialogue,representing the two views.
2.Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the given situation.A has two tickets for a stage play (话剧) Thunderstorm by Cao Yu and invites B to go together this weekend.B gladly accepts the invitation.B learns that A has a friend working at the theater and can get free tickets.

帮忙写两个英语对话,每个两分钟左右.1.Suppose your mom/dad loves old songs of the 1970s while you prefer songs of the new century.Now work with your partner to create a dialogue,representing the two views.2.Your group is required to cre
1.A:A beautiful song,isn't it?
B:I don't think so.It is an old song of the 1970s.My mom likes it very much.
A:Well,what kind of songs do you like best?
B:I like songs of the new century.
A; Oh,I see.Different people have different hobbies.
2.A:Would you like to go to the theatre with me this weekend?
B:Yes,I'd love to.What will be on?
A:There will be a stage play Thunderstorm by Cao Yu .
B:Oh,the ticket for it is very hard to get.I can't believe that I'll have a chance to enjoy it.
How did you get it?
A:One of my friends is working at the theater.And he helps me.
B:Such a good man!

liuwenyantao | 二级

帮忙写两个英语对话,每个两分钟左右.1.Suppose your mom/dad loves old songs of the 1970s while you prefer songs of the new century.Now work with your partner to create a dialogue,representing the two views.2.Your group is required to cre 帮忙写两个英语对话,每个两分钟左右1.Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the given situation.The city has passed a law against walking dogs on the streets.You and your partner are discussing the pros and cons of the 急求英语对话,关于sport,shopping,music,festival,food这五个话题,每个写一个对话,要求两分钟左右如果我满意的话,会追加50分,谢谢各位大哥大姐积极帮忙. 帮忙写一篇关于母亲节的对话,两分钟左右,英文的 英语情景对话要求两人的对话 时间5分钟左右 内容是在校园两个好朋友谈论 两分钟左右的英语对话是关于神话的 两人英语幽默对话,三分钟左右! 谈论交通的英语对话,两个人,7分钟左右 求两分钟左右的英语对话短剧!急要求内容不难.两分钟左右.情景对话.情节轻松幽默 英语口语情景对话请各位帮忙给一个英语情景对话,难度不要太大的,时间在1-2分钟左右吧,要两个人的, 帮忙写两个英语对话两个主题(1)Do you like keeping animals as pets?(2)Do you think flattery gets you nowhere or everywhere?(你认为奉承会让你一事无成还是一帆风顺?)都是双人对话 每个对话写10句左右就 求英语电影十分钟两人对话主要是两个人的,十分钟左右 购物英语对话两个人的对话,3分钟左右最好大一水平. 跪求两人英语对话两人对话 时间6分钟左右,话题为fashion 急求有关LOVE的英语三人对话可两人对话外加旁白 时间两分钟左右 裤子英语对话1分钟左右的两人对话 明天就考了 求英语大神帮我写一个英语简单对话话题分对话(Situational dialogue)和讨论(Discussion)两部分;对话每个话题每人十几句话就行,讨论的话就写一小段个人陈述观点的短文(说5分钟左右)就好. 急求两个英语情景对话表演,每个几分钟左右主题:can you......what club do you want to join?