2003年考研英语 use of english完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 12:02:34
2003年考研英语 use of english完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.
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2003年考研英语 use of english完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.
2003年考研英语 use of english
完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.标准答案为plan,意为adults为teenagers制定计划,为什么不能选make或take(不确定选哪个好),意为adults帮助teenagers获得一种责任感,通过teenagers承担一些他们力所能及的角色并且拥有清晰明确的原则。

2003年考研英语 use of english完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.
make和take 是及物动词,后面跟FOR显然不合适,要么是短语动词固定搭配,而且它们的意思也牵强

1.make for:
走向, 前往
When the bell for supper rang, all the students made for the dining room.
晚饭铃响了, 学生们都涌向餐厅。
冲向, 向…猛扑
We didn't want to open the garden gate in case ...


1.make for:
走向, 前往
When the bell for supper rang, all the students made for the dining room.
晚饭铃响了, 学生们都涌向餐厅。
冲向, 向…猛扑
We didn't want to open the garden gate in case their dog made for us.
我们不想打开花园的大门, 以防他们的狗向我们扑过来。
有利于, 致使
2.take for:为…承担…
Bill refused to take responsibility for the accident.
信以为真; 认为理所当然
I just took it for granted that you had been told about this.
3plan for:为…做安排
Planning for their old age gives people an aim in life.
人们若为自己的暮年做安排, 会使生活有目标。
They are planning for an outing.
Brasilia has been carefully planned for modern living.
明显只有plan 符合
其次,从出题人的角度来说,plan 的含义比make 和 take 更具体深化,欧美人写作注重意思的准确。take 和 make 实在是使用很普遍~~
so,As far as i am concerned,Plan is the best choice.


make和take 是及物动词,后面跟FOR显然不合适,要么是短语动词固定搭配,而且它们的意思也牵强

考研英语use of English 需要背诵吗?词汇量也不好.语感也被摧残的不剩了.再拿起英语有点吃力.想知道考研真题的use of English 有背诵的必要没? 英语Use of English 2003年考研英语 use of english完形填空倒数第二道39题On the contrary,they can help studengts acquire a sense of commitment by___ for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules. 英语lnvalid use of null ENG 求标题shi这个de论文 On the use of MEMs accelerometer to detect fatigue departmentwriters:Hussain,A.; Dept.of Electr.,Electron.& Syst.Eng.,UKM,Selangor,Malaysiawangshang xiabudao. 简单英语查错To practice my Eng skill,I ,a wise man,decide to use ENG on this platform and if there are any mistakes,welcome to point them out then I will correct and appreciate. 2014年考研英语会降分吗? 2012年考研英语信息 考研英语二从那年开始的考研数二呢? 2012版考研英语是针对2012年考研的还是2013年考研的? 求教,这句话怎样理解?考研英语阅读.Darwin holds that if observation are to be of any use theymust be tested against some view- a thsis ,model,hypothesis,theory.are to be of any use 麻烦您翻译一下这句话.这不是翻译题.答案 英语,best use of是啥意思啊.is not the best use of your time... 2015考研英语二怎么复习?2015年考研英语二用哪本考研英语真题好?麻烦推荐一下, 求2011年考研英语一大纲 10年考研英语大纲的词汇表 2008年考研英语阅读题有哪几种? 2011考研年英语(一)答案?