
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 15:47:51
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我们的校园壮丽整洁,这里有最好的领导,有学识渊博.认真负责的老师,有精神饱满,好学上进,求实创新的学生.能融入到这样的学习环境中,是我们每一个初一 学生的幸运.这里,绿色的校园是那么的吸引人,五彩缤纷的花坛,绿草如茵的操场,似乎都在向我们招手.在明亮的教室中,与可亲的同学一起学习,知识的大门向我们敞开.
二、 树立远大理想,正确的人生观,自觉抵制不良思想的侵袭,不接触不健康.低级趣味的东西,学做品德高尚的人.
三、 明确学习目的,端正学习态度,认真学好各科文化,在班内形成“比学赶帮超”的氛围.
四、 尊敬师长,团结同学.对学习有困难的同学大家要伸出援助之手,多指导,多关心,以达到共同提高的目的.
五、 要自强自立,作为中学生我们不能象小学生那样,事事要父母操心,我们应当自己来管好自己的生活、学习.
六、 要多读书,读好书,宽阔自己的知识面,去欣赏优秀的书籍,在书海中遨游.
Dear teacher leadership, Dear students:
Inspired by the golden September sun, we have completed five years of primary school life, from now on we are a junior high school students, and students who started as an international school, we feel proud. Today, I had the privilege to speak on behalf of Junior Middle School Students in this, and my heart is very excited.
Our magnificent campus clean, here are the best leadership, knowledgeable. A serious and responsible teacher, a spirited, easy to learn, realistic and innovative students. Can be integrated into this learning environment is our first day of each student's lucky. Here, the green of the campus is so attractive, colorful flower beds, green grass of the playground, it seems that beckons to us. In a bright classroom, students study together with the amiable, the doors of knowledge open to us.
We carry the best middle school, high school students should do the best. How to do the best middle school? I think that should do the following;
First, carefully study "the daily school sound code of conduct", strictly enforce the norms, with the norms to guide their own words and deeds.
Second, foster lofty ideals, the proper outlook on life, consciously resist the invasion of bad thoughts, do not touch unhealthy. Vulgar things, learn to do virtuous people.
Third, learn to clear, correct attitude towards learning, serious subjects to learn culture, formed in the class "than learning ultra-rush help," the atmosphere.
Fourth, respect for teachers, united students. For students with learning difficulties we have to lend a helping hand, more guidance, more attention, in order to achieve a common purpose to improve.
Fifth, to self-reliance, as we do not like primary school students, as should parents worry about everything, we should manage their own to live and learn.
Sixth, to read more books, read good books, wide their knowledge, to enjoy good books, traveling in the sea of books.
Students, "Bao Jianfeng from tempered, plum blossom from the bitter cold." We only have to pay, will have a harvest. I believe the concern of the leadership in the school, the teachers for their hard training, through our unremitting efforts, three years later, we will grow with ideals, morality, culture, discipline and qualified high school students, to society, to the school to the family of a qualified answer.

帮我写一个英语开学典礼发言搞!急!加分!要求!上学要穿戴整洁!上课不迟到、早退、保持校园整洁!走路靠右! 急 求高手写一篇英语作文“The BOOK I Like Best” 写发言搞哦 开学典礼新生发言 (英语的)求一篇大一开学典礼新生发言稿~英语 急 求高手写一篇英语作文“The English Novel I Like Best” 写发言搞哦 帮我写下英语作文,写的好我加分 先进班级发言稿,怎么写?急啊!明天开学典礼上发言的,代表班级.求写的思路!格式,也说下哈,比如开头结尾的 帮我搞一个电子邮件 征集笔友的 用英语写一个 不要太长的了123 急求一篇开学典礼的新闻稿~俺们学校的开学典礼是在学校礼堂办的,也没有网上其他帖子里写的那样在操场还搞的特声势浩大的.就来了几个领导坐那讲了话也看了节目,现在要我写稿子我压力 怎么写一次 开学典礼活动结束后怎么写!不是发言稿子! 谁能帮我写一篇小学开学典礼发言稿 作为初一新生在开学典礼上的发言 英语作文100字 初一入学新生演讲稿我是初一入学的新生,过两天开学典礼,我要代表所有初一新生发言,给我写一个演讲稿,500字左右,重点是升入初中感受和今后应该怎么做.语言精练,词语得当,语句优美,重点 关于开学典礼的发言稿!急~是优秀班级代表发言 我只要开头,不要什么欢迎新生的要求是 文笔优美,不要有说太阳(因为明天下雨- -)的我要初中的 去敬老院慰问老人的发言搞!~~急~~ 开学典礼作文 600字因为这次开学典礼是在广播里,所以我不知怎么写 谁帮我写篇英语诗,觉得好的加分 请高人帮我写一篇一百秒的发言.主题是“Should students wear uniforms to school?”要英语的. 烟台市实验中学开学典礼发言的心得体会 老师主要讲了一些初二初三初四人的学哥学姐们表现优秀人名单 还发奖品给了他们又讲了一些在校安全 什么的 需要写一个参加这次开学典礼的心得