wrong的用法?there's something wrong with sb. in doing sth.是否有这样的用法?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:52:21
wrong的用法?there's something wrong with sb. in doing sth.是否有这样的用法?
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wrong的用法?there's something wrong with sb. in doing sth.是否有这样的用法?
there's something wrong with sb. in doing sth.

wrong的用法?there's something wrong with sb. in doing sth.是否有这样的用法?
/ rCN; ?@ rR:N; rRN/ adj 1 ~ (to do sth) not morally right; unjust 不道德的; 不正当的; 不义的: It is wrong to steal. 偷窃是不道德的. * You were wrong to take the car without permission. 你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的. * He told me he had done nothing wrong. 他告诉我说他没做任何不正当的事. Cf 参看 right1 1. 2 (a) not true or correct 不确实的; 不正确的; 错误的: He did the sum but got the wrong answer/got the answer wrong. 他做了这道算术题, 但答案错了. * Her estimate of the cost was completely wrong. 她估计的费用完全不正确. (b) [pred 作表语] (of a person) mistaken (指人)出错, 有错误: Am I wrong in thinking (ie Do you agree) that it is getting colder? 天气越来越冷了, 对吧? * Can you prove that I am wrong? 你能证实我错了吗? * That's where you're wrong. 在这一点上你错了. * Thousands of satisfied customers can't be wrong, so why don't you try our new washing-powder? 我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意, 成千上万的人不可能都错了, 您也不妨试一试好吗? 3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] not required, suitable or the most desirable 不合要求的; 不适合的; 并非最合意的: You're doing it the wrong way. 你做的方法不当. * We discovered that we were on the wrong train. 我们发觉上错了火车. * The police arrested the wrong man. 警方逮错了人. * We came the wrong way/took a wrong turning. 我们来时走错了路[拐错了弯]. * I'm afraid you've got the wrong number, ie on the telephone. 很抱歉, 您拨错电话号码了. * You're wearing your jumper the wrong way round, ie The part that should be at the front is at the back. 你的毛衣前后穿反了. * He's the wrong man for the job. 他不适合做这项工作. * They live on the wrong side of town, ie the part that is socially less desirable. 他们住在镇上环境较差的那边(社会地位较低的人住的). * I realized that I had said the wrong thing when I saw her reaction. 我一看到她的反应就意识到我说话不当. * Their decision proved to be wrong. 他们的决定证实是错误的. 4 [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb/sth) (a) in a bad condition (and not working properly) 有故障; 有毛病: What's wrong (ie What is the problem) with the engine? It's making an awful noise. 发动机出什麽故障了? 噪音太大了. * There's something wrong with my eyes -- I can't see properly. 我眼睛有毛病了--看不清楚了.(b) not as it should be 不正常: Is anything wrong? You look ill. 怎麽了? 你脸色不好. * What's wrong with you? 你哪儿不舒服? * What's wrong with telling the truth? ie How can it be criticized? 说实话有什麽不对? 5 (idm 习语) back the wrong horse => back4. bark up the wrong tree => bark2. be born on the wrong side of the blanket => born. catch sb on the wrong foot => catch1. do the right/wrong thing => thing. from/on the ,wrong side of the `tracks (US) living in an area (of a town, etc) which is regarded as socially inferior 住在(城镇等中的)社会地位低的人住的地区. get on the right/wrong side of sb => side1. get (hold of) the ,wrong end of the `stick (infml 口) misunderstand completely what has been said (对听到的话)完全误解: You've got the wrong end of the stick; he doesn't owe me money, I owe him! 你完全听错了, 他没欠我钱, 是我欠 他的钱! have got out of bed on the wrong side => bed1. hit/strike the right/wrong note => note1. not far off/out/wrong => far2. on the right/wrong side of forty, fifty, etc => side1. rub sb up the wrong way => rub2. start off on the right/wrong foot => start2. ,wrong side `out turned, changed, etc so that the normally inner side is facing outwards 里面被翻转成外面: You've got your sweater on wrong side out. 你穿的毛衣里儿冲外了.
adv (used after vs 用於动词之后) 1 in a wrong manner or direction; mistakenly; with incorrect results 方式或方向错误; 错误地; 结果错误: You guessed wrong. 你猜错了. * You've spelt my name wrong. 你把我的名字拼错了. * He played the tune all wrong. 他演奏的曲调全错了. Cf 参看 wrongly. 2 (idm 习语) get sb `wrong (infml 口) misunderstand sb 误会或误解某人: Please don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing you. 请不要误解我, 我并不是批评你. go `wrong (a) make a mistake 犯错误; 做错事: If you read the instructions, you'll see where you went wrong. 你要是看一下说明书就知道你错在哪儿了. * You can't go wrong (ie You will surely succeed) with our new carpet cleaner. 使用我们新型的地毯吸尘器绝对不会出错. (b) (of a machine) stop working properly (指机器)出故障, 出毛病: The television has gone wrong again. 电视机又出毛病了. (c) experience trouble 遇到麻烦; 出现问题: Their marriage started to go wrong when he got a job abroad. 他找到一份在国外的工作, 他们的婚姻就在那时开始出现问题. * The experiment went disastrously wrong, ie progressed in an unexpected way with very unpleasant results. 这个试验出了大问题. put a foot wrong => foot1.
n 1 [U] what is wrong 坏事; 过失; 罪恶: He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. 他不懂是非. * She could do no wrong (ie do nothing wrong) in the opinion of her devoted followers. 那些忠实於她的人都认为她不会做坏事. 2 [C] (fml 文) unjust action; injustice 不义的行为; 不公正的事: They have done us a great wrong. 他们对待我们十分不公正. * She complained of the wrongs she had suffered. 她投诉说她受到委屈.3 (idm 习语) in the `wrong in the position of being responsible for a mistake, an offence, a quarrel, etc (在犯错误、 犯罪、 吵架等方面)负有责任或应受责备: He admitted that he was in the wrong, ie that the fault was his. 他承认是他的错. * They tried to put me in the wrong, ie to make it seem that the fault, error, etc was mine. 他们想把错误栽给我. the rights and wrongs of sth => right3. ,two ,wrongs ,don't make a `right (saying 谚) you cannot justify a wrong action by saying that sb else has done sth similar or that sb has done sth wrong to you 两个错不等於其中一个对(自己做了错事不能说别人也是这样做的来为自己辩护).
v (fml 文) 1 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] do wrong to (sb); treat (sb) unjustly or badly 对待(某人)不公正; 使(某人)受到委屈: a wronged wife 受委屈的妻子. 2 [Tn] judge (sb) unfairly; attribute a bad motive to (sb) mistakenly 不公正地判断(某人); 冤枉(某人): You wrong me if you think I only did it for selfish reasons. 你要是以为我是出於私心, 那你就冤枉我了.
/ -fl; -fEl/ adj [attrib 作定语] not fair, just or legal 不公正的; 不公平的; 不正当的; 不合法的: He sued his employer for wrongful dismissal. 他控告雇主非法解雇他.
/ -fElI; -fElI/ adv: wrongfully arrested 遭不合法逮捕.
adv (used esp before a past participle or a v 尤用於过去分词或动词之前) in a wrong manner; in the wrong way 不正当地; 错误地: wrongly accused, addressed, informed 控告错、 写错地址、 了解错 * He imagines, wrongly, that she loves him. 他误以为她爱他. * Rightly or wrongly, she refused to accept the offer, ie I don't know whether she was right or wrong to do so. 不论她做得对不对, 反正她拒绝了那个提议.
/ 5rCNdu:E(r); `rRN9duL/ n person who does sth immoral or illegal 做不道德的或不合法的事情的人; 做坏事的人.
/ 5rCNdu:IN; `rRN9duIN/ n [U, C] wrong behaviour; wrong action 不道德的行为; 坏事: such wrongdoing(s) should be punished 这种不道德的行为应该受到惩罚.
v [Tn] (esp in sport) catch (sb) unprepared(尤指在体育比赛中)使(某人)措手不及: Her cleverly disguised lob completely wrong-footed her opponent. 她做个巧妙的假动作, 一个高球把对手打得乱了阵脚.
adj (of a person) obstinately holding a wrong opinion or taking a wrong course of action (指人)坚持错误意见或错误办法的.

1. 用作形容词,以下两点用法须注意:
(1) 表示“某人做某事是不对的”,以下三种说法均可。如:
It’s wrong of you to do it. / You are wrong to do it. / You arewrong in doing it. 你这样做是不对的。
(2) 与something, anything, nothing 等连用,表示“出事”、“...


1. 用作形容词,以下两点用法须注意:
(1) 表示“某人做某事是不对的”,以下三种说法均可。如:
It’s wrong of you to do it. / You are wrong to do it. / You arewrong in doing it. 你这样做是不对的。
(2) 与something, anything, nothing 等连用,表示“出事”、“出错”、 “有毛病”。此时就注意:
1)句子可直接用something, nothing 等放在句首作主语,也可用there is 来开始句子。
2)若要具体表明某人 / 物出事了,可在wrong 之后用介词with 。
3)该句型中的wrong = the matter。如:
Something is wrong. = There’s something wrong. 出事了。
Nothing is wrong (= the matter) with her. 她没什么事儿。
2. 用作副词,意为“错误地”,与wrongly 同义,但用法上有些差异:
(1) 放在动词之后,用wrong 或 wrongly 均可。如:
You answered wrong (或wrongly). 你答错了。
(2) 在动词或过去分词之前,一般用wrongly。如:
The words are wrongly spelled. 这些词拼错了。
I wrongly believed that he wanted to go. 我误认为他要去。
