英语翻译许多人认为造成苔丝这一悲剧的原因是当时社会的封建礼教,富人的强权,使得苔丝一步步走向悲剧.但我觉得Angel 是最终造成苔丝的悲剧真正原凶,他才是最应该批判的人.故事的开始,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:35:57
英语翻译许多人认为造成苔丝这一悲剧的原因是当时社会的封建礼教,富人的强权,使得苔丝一步步走向悲剧.但我觉得Angel 是最终造成苔丝的悲剧真正原凶,他才是最应该批判的人.故事的开始,
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英语翻译许多人认为造成苔丝这一悲剧的原因是当时社会的封建礼教,富人的强权,使得苔丝一步步走向悲剧.但我觉得Angel 是最终造成苔丝的悲剧真正原凶,他才是最应该批判的人.故事的开始,
许多人认为造成苔丝这一悲剧的原因是当时社会的封建礼教,富人的强权,使得苔丝一步步走向悲剧.但我觉得Angel 是最终造成苔丝的悲剧真正原凶,他才是最应该批判的人.

英语翻译许多人认为造成苔丝这一悲剧的原因是当时社会的封建礼教,富人的强权,使得苔丝一步步走向悲剧.但我觉得Angel 是最终造成苔丝的悲剧真正原凶,他才是最应该批判的人.故事的开始,
It is said that Tess's tragedy is a result of the feudalism and abuse of power by the rich,which pushed Tess to the tragic end. Yet, I think that Angel is the real culprit. He is the one to blame.
In the beginning, Out of ignorance and greed for money, Tess's father d'Ubxxxx(不记得如何拼写) sent her into the trap. After Alec seduced Tess and took her virginity, Tess left Alec and gave birth to a child. She was laughed and distained by people. Sad as she was, Tess did not lose the spirit to move on with her life and her expectation of true love. After her child died,Tess decided to start a new life by working on a pasture where nobody knew her.
Angel seems to be an open-minded person. But deep down, he was no different from Tess's father. If chastity was the only standard to judge a woman at the time, his seeming openness was so feeble. He feared Tess would leave him if she knew his immoral affair with another woman in the past. After he had disclosed his past to Tess, Tess did not look down on him,rather she forgave him. On their wedding night,Tess revealed her experience to Angel. This seeming liberalist displayed his shamelessness. He did not show sympathy for the tragic past of his wife,but condemned Tess. All this deepened Tess's pain. Since she lost her chastity, she had been longing for true love but feeling guilty at the same time. When Angel,the man that she was fond of, expressed his affections for her, this undoubtedly, gave Tess new hope in her life. However,it was also the lethalest. Tess never loved Alec. She only succumbed herself to Alec physically without spiritual communication with him.