The house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standing B stood C stands D to standThe house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standingB stoodC standsD to stand

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:56:00
The house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standing B stood C stands D to standThe house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standingB stoodC standsD to stand
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The house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standing B stood C stands D to standThe house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standingB stoodC standsD to stand
The house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standing B stood C stands D to stand
The house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.
A standing
B stood
C stands
D to stand

The house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standing B stood C stands D to standThe house ___on the north bank of river was built in 1995.A standingB stoodC standsD to stand
standing作house的后置定语,修饰house.在这里无被动含义.所用的语法知识为 现在分词作后置定语表主动.

A standing
being 动词做伴谁状语

C 现在时。试问,题目中有说这个房子塌了吗?既然没塌,就证明它还在那,故选C

standing表house状态 主语是house, stand表示屋子“矗立”,无被动意义,故用主动态 即现在分词standing

房子在河北(现在),它是1995年盖的(过去)。选一个现在时态 B\D 就干掉了 C是个动词 was也是个动词 所以不行 因此选一个不是动词的A

祝:学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)