
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:58:28
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因为我很急,需要这些,所以各位一定帮我翻译呀!有悬赏几分,而且不少啊!二〇〇九年二月五日 17:56:00这是我提问的时间,我祝大家过个好年!牛年行大运!

1 New Year to each New Year will come together.Of course,we have to put fireworks to welcome the arrival of New Year.But the flower is a very dangerous place,and the children can enlarge do not own type of fireworks,so as to avoid; small fireworks but also in adults,accompanied by lighting,so as to have a joyful year Oh!Ha,finally,I wish you all a Happy Year of the Ox!
2 New Year to the whole family together.Fireworks display,put bamboo cannon.When ignited,it is necessary to pay attention to:children playing,the others to follow suit; adults to play,but also carefully.Everyone can do music,how can happilyCoral,!

1, New Year has arrived, and each New Year will come together. Of course, we have to put fireworks to welcome the arrival of New Year. But the flower is a very dangerous place, and the children can en...


1, New Year has arrived, and each New Year will come together. Of course, we have to put fireworks to welcome the arrival of New Year. But the flower is a very dangerous place, and the children can enlarge do not own type of fireworks, so as to avoid伤身; small fireworks but also in adults, accompanied by lighting, so as to have a joyful year Oh! Ha, finally, I wish you all a Happy Year of the Ox! 2, New Year to the whole family together. Fireworks display, put bamboo cannon. When ignited, it is necessary to pay attention to: children playing, the others to follow suit; adults to play, but also carefully. Everyone can do music, how can happily过大年Coral,过大年! Players must help me, because I am in a hurry, need them, so you must help me translate it! There are offering a reward of a few, but a lot of ah! February 5, 2009 17:56:00 This is my question time, I wish everyone had a good year! Year of the Ox行大运!


英语翻译1、新年到了,每家都会相聚在一起过年.当然,还要放烟花爆竹,迎接新年的到来.但放花是很危险的,小孩子们可千万不要独自放大型烟花,以免伤身;小型烟花也要在大人的陪同下点燃, 英语翻译能够和你们相聚在一起,我感到很开心,但是时间不等人,我们终将都会散了. 我们相聚在一起是一种缘分 英语翻译怎么说? 英语翻译春节春节是我国一个传统节日,每当到这一天我们都会穿上新衣服,每家每户门上都会挂上漂亮的红灯笼.每家每户的亲戚汇集在家中看“联欢晚会”,孩子们在户外放鞭炮,一家人红红 因为缘分,我们相聚在一起! 我的家庭在新年的时候会有一顿大餐,不管距离有多远,不管回家要花什么代价,每一个亲戚都会聚集在一起,一起享用这一顿大餐.然后就是放烟花庆祝.到了新年的晚上,烟花爆竹的声音会贯彻这 英语翻译新年来临之际,公司在XX酒店举办了晚会.公司全体员工都参加了这次盛会.辛勤工作了一年,大家都非常高兴有机会能够相聚在一起.大家都打扮得非常的漂亮,女士穿上了华丽的礼服,男 相聚在一起 诗句要经典的 人们每家将有一个机器人 英语翻译 英语翻译内容是:今天是我们春节团圆的日子,我们亲戚朋友相聚在一起吃年夜饭,我们小孩都拿到了大人给的压岁钱,非常的开心.我们的晚饭非常的美味,非常的丰盛.饭后,我们一家收看了春节 英语翻译1 大人们会给我们买许多糖2 我们会穿上新衣服3 我会跟其他人一样4 春节在2月3日开始5 每家每户都会贴春联6 我打算把我的压岁钱都存起来7 在家和家人一起看电视 制定新年计划 英语翻译 新年快乐 用英语翻译 新年刚刚过去英语翻译 英语翻译新年快乐 英文翻译 英语翻译新年快乐 英语翻译新年快乐! 英语翻译新年快乐