
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 14:26:21
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Peony - Guosetianxiang,Yongronghuagui,known as the king of flowers,cultivated in China over 1,500 years of history.Peony Garden was built in Changchun City in 1998,covering 6.56 hectares,the same year in August from Lanzhou,Gansu,Shandong Heze Peony the introduction of more than 600 strains,more than 1,000 peony strains.2000 and the introduction of 400 Gansu Purpura Peony.
More than six years of cultivation practice that Gansu Purpura Peony in Changchun without artificial protection measures can be taken in Winter,Shandong Heze Peony the cold to take simple measures that can winter,thus changing the Changchun can not open the history of peony cultivation.
In early 2005,Changchun City Peony Garden re-introduction of Peony,more than 10,000 of peony,of which the Central Plains Peony 2304,five color,more than 30 varieties of Gansu Peony 5182,seven color,153 varieties; peony 1926 Strain,six color,63 varieties.Regardless of peonies and the introduction of foreign species.Peony planting area expanded from the original 20 percent to 32 percent,the center of the area has reached 68 percent.
In early 2006,my garden and replanting of more than 130 peonies.In order to make peony and stone,forest,roads,grass formation of a harmonious natural ecological landscape,designed the entire park will be planning to stay in a small garden:a hundred years Peony Garden,Peony Park specimens,Purpura Peony Garden,Central Plains Peony Garden,and foreign Peony Garden Peony Park.And Park to watch the sector of natural Yuen Road,the hospital rational layout,bar clear,structured,Cuoluoyouzhi.Today's Peony Garden will be the Xinzi Chaziyanhong look pleasing tourists from all directions,Liulianwangfan.

Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)and herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora),is a very beautiful plant originatingin China.The choice of tree peony in 1994as the Chinese national flower was yet anotherh...


Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)and herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora),is a very beautiful plant originatingin China.The choice of tree peony in 1994as the Chinese national flower was yet anotherhonor to be added to the accolades and honorifictitles bestowed on it over the centuries.For example,Tree peony other name "Richesand honor flowers","Kilogramsgold",to tree peonies indicate thatthe flower is the symbol of happiness andgood luck.The tree peony symbolizes thecharacteristic temperament and cultural featuresof the Chinese nation,the prosperity ofthe country,and the diligence of the people.
Tree peony was not untilthe period between the Qin and Han Dynasties(221BC-220AD)thatMudan-tree peony was differentiated from220to 589AD,and has continued for morethan 1500years.During this time,a gradualprocess of propagation and selection hasled to the wide range of tree peony cultivatesavailable now.
Nowadays Tree peony'scultivates have tremendously varied characteristicsresulting from the range of original speciesinvolved and from the range of original speciesinvolved and from the different ecologicalenvironments.Our research work has determinedtree peony's four Cultivate Groups:the CentralPlains tree peony group,the Northwest treepeony group,the Southern tree peony groupand the Southwest tree peony group.Of these,the Central Plains Cultivate tree peony group(Luoyang tree peony is the Central Plainstree peony group)is the richest in numberof cultivates with varied flower forms,colorsand length of cultivation history.
Now,we already had "Luoyangpeony original habitat protection marking",has formulated "the Luoyang peony seedlingstandard".Luoyang peony's sown area1,200hectares,tee peony variety nearlythousand.Has formed two big peonies industriesbelt in the Luoyang suburbs,7large-scalepeonies watch the garden area.The Luoyangpeony seedling production has basically formedthe scale,the scientific style,the standardizedplanter,had surmounted the past small peasanteconomy pattern and other local small workshopmanagements,improved the peony seedling'squality,has guaranteed the peony varietypurity.Our objective is:Guarantees thequality,the good faith service.Our sincerelyhope and the peony demand and the likinglong-time cooperation,the exchange,expandstogether the peony industry.


英语翻译牡丹-国色天香,雍容华贵,被誉为花中之王,在我国栽培已有1500年的历史.长春市牡丹园建于1998年,占地6.56公顷,同年8月从甘肃兰州、山东菏泽引进牡丹600余株,芍药1000余株.2000年又引进4 国色天香的意思是什么还有买帐,誉为,青睐,摄于,雍容华贵 中华牡丹雍容华贵,然后是什么 求形容花的四字词语!如牡丹:雍容华贵 用什么词语来形容女孩长的倾国倾城国色天香雍容华贵 牡丹是我国著名的观赏花卉,被誉为“ ”,周敦颐《爱莲说》称它是“ ”. 被誉为深海中的翡翠 用英语翻译 赞美花的词如:牡丹——雍容华贵,荷花——出淤泥而不染 百折不挠,雍容华贵,益寿延年,傲雪寒香各形容那种花牡丹,梅花,丹顶鹤,松柏里面选 救命!形容中国的国花牡丹象征中华的词语和诗句!除了雍容华贵这个词 雍容华贵指的是……急!指的是牡丹、梅花、丹顶鹤还是松柏? 牡丹被尊为中国的国花.英语翻译 适合牡丹画题款的诗句和词语(如国色天香,花开富贵之类) 有关,牡丹的诗,优美一点的,主要说它的国色天香的 一首诗 名叫国色天香 好像描写牡丹的 其中有妖这个字 钱学森被誉为? 邓稼先被誉为? 人们往往赋予花木有某种象征:连线题竹子 雍容华贵梅花 洁身自好牡丹 谦虚有节荷花 生命力强 英语翻译莲花想拥有牡丹的雍容华贵,但它最后放弃了,因而铸就了它的高洁清雅.  彩虹想拥有磐石的亘古永恒,但它最后放弃了,因而铸就了它的绚丽多彩.  高山想拥有流水的细腻灵动,但