请帮助翻译这句关于马克思的英文Marx has a good time skewering these various evasions in his comments,which are the only reason anyone even looks at the Gotha program itself anymore.尤其是后面那个定语从句如何翻译?请高手

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 11:10:07
请帮助翻译这句关于马克思的英文Marx has a good time skewering these various evasions in his comments,which are the only reason anyone even looks at the Gotha program itself anymore.尤其是后面那个定语从句如何翻译?请高手
xUMSY+/!L>JJY.VnqQP1F~_ s3ff5USE^{=~t%/_ ://:-WwKn93|Vf_ID6LFu}XB1%6Jb*dB6T=neB6U]3j>>hKDpȆ"E'ȦY5F>@Vg݊$f裆R)m4+@e}܏+4A3*pή8h //+~xOkD(G$k 1U1 IVD!:`];in8KXf_xH Yz\DFɮ% `,;O]{ziɖ"\ rkErQf(}BcCfĵXU"/B:| aC9VŠ:dh_,Q CAP= Q-^fa] G"^wz5J/ X #3vT'>S޵hvtϼO0@- Qtvҝ|4M K,47Q"`yrv;Xfdikvc)=Y;@+U~ Zvsî5ˬ0>۵bžw`%ԏ!&+S"ڵ\ݍ"|<9[²4'z|ɫ=g̹g,iȾ, %Vi*ń]0!->6YppN[4]DnfPNNyyɧzw|#)H$H|X\:S)BRSiW ~'ROx"KRO4}?`dj ٓ

请帮助翻译这句关于马克思的英文Marx has a good time skewering these various evasions in his comments,which are the only reason anyone even looks at the Gotha program itself anymore.尤其是后面那个定语从句如何翻译?请高手
Marx has a good time skewering these various evasions in his comments,which are the only reason anyone even looks at the Gotha program itself anymore.

请帮助翻译这句关于马克思的英文Marx has a good time skewering these various evasions in his comments,which are the only reason anyone even looks at the Gotha program itself anymore.尤其是后面那个定语从句如何翻译?请高手
11.skewer--To hold together or pierce with or as if with a skewer.
2.evasion--a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth;Evasion is,in ethics,an act that deceives by stating a true statement that is irrelevant or leads to a false conclusion.
名词The act or an instance of evading.
动词A means of evading; a subterfuge.
4.has a good time不是指度过一段快乐的时光,而是指马克思为此投入了相当的精力.

请帮助翻译这句关于马克思的英文Marx has a good time skewering these various evasions in his comments,which are the only reason anyone even looks at the Gotha program itself anymore.尤其是后面那个定语从句如何翻译?请高手 请用英文描写Carl Marx. 有一首英文歌 right here waiting 演唱者好像叫richard marx(理查德 马克思)谁知道这首歌的歌词的中文意很想知道 知道的请告诉一声 马克思主义哲学、马克思哲学所对应的英文词分别是什么?马克思主义哲学一般可以作 Marxism philosophy;马克思哲学呢,Marxist philosophy 还是 Marx's philosophy? Marxist philosophy 是否仍然是马克思主义哲 英语翻译请帮助翻译这句文言语句 请帮助把这句{神永远保佑我家人}翻译成英文,要准确的, 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下这句句子: Nancy Xu 曾经答应以每小时12澳币的费用聘用我,但是请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下这句句子:Nancy Xu 曾经答应以每小时12澳币的费用聘用我,但是当我工 马克思故居 KARL MARX HOUSE怎么样 英语翻译这是Groucho Marx说的一句话,翻译的时候请务必说下这个话的背景,尤其是最后一个短句的翻译。请把具体代表的意思解释一下。 德语第二格用法 我想请问一下:卡尔马克思先生的书 是Herrn Karl Marx Buch 还是Herrn Karl Marx' 马克思关于登山的名言谁有马克思一句关于登山的名言, kind of 的用法,最好能举些例句That kind of person is anybaby but a marx具体帮我翻译一下这句,讲一下这句中用到的语法 回summersnow1982 肯定回答为什么用anybody? 请问句中的介词about指什么?The two things 【about】 which Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms. 马克思不大有把握的两个方面是语法和某些习惯用语是不是这样?如下: 英语翻译请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下这句句子:读完你的回信后我非常的气愤,在读这份信之前我还敢相信这世界上还有人能像你这样厚颜无耻的说谎. 马克思名言(英文)的! 请帮助翻译这句英文,具体在问题补充里,谢谢user profile hive cleanup service version started successfully 翻译written by Richard Marx 关于马克思的简介