
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:03:46
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When I was in my junior high school,I believed it maybe the most tiring stage in my school life.Much pressure has been exerted on you.On high school,I found the pressure from junior high school is so small when compared with that from the high school I have withstood the pressure in junior school and entered the key high school successfully.So I believe we can go through any pressure for the time being.I have goal,faith and courage.

In junior high school, junior high school that has been the most tired of. There are a lot of pressure on your body. On the high school, junior high school found the tired, tired of high school than t...


In junior high school, junior high school that has been the most tired of. There are a lot of pressure on your body. On the high school, junior high school found the tired, tired of high school than to simply not worth mentioning. That the junior high school when tired, I came very, admitted to the focus of high school. Therefore, I believe, now that's tired, and I will certainly be able to survive. This is because I have a goal, I have faith, I have the courage.



I feel that junior high school is the most tired when I was in junior high school.There are a lot of pressure on your body. Now, I'm so happy because I have success to be a focus of high school stud...


I feel that junior high school is the most tired when I was in junior high school.There are a lot of pressure on your body. Now, I'm so happy because I have success to be a focus of high school students. Compared with high school's, junior high school’s tired is not worth mentioning.I have faith, goals, the courage to face today's problems, so I will be more successful.


When I was in junior middle school.I always thought it was the most tired period for study because of too much pressure.But I changed my opinion when I joined in senior middle school.I must make much...


When I was in junior middle school.I always thought it was the most tired period for study because of too much pressure.But I changed my opinion when I joined in senior middle school.I must make much more efforts when I became a senior.Because I persisted to try hard go to key senior middle school and I succeeded.So I also confined that I will be winner after graduation.The goal,I have.The belief,I have.And the courage,I have!


求英语翻译.问题1小时后关闭.200分(翻译时在用词用句方面请符合一下高中水平,可适当增删,只要大意不改就可以了)在初中时,一直认为初中是最累的.有很多压力在你身上.上了高中的时候, 英语翻译最后0.5小时即关闭问题!到2011年10月6日PM3:04分 在大海中永生第一自然段有一句话评价了邓小平,是那句2小时后关闭问题,现在是2011年17时43分,抓紧时间 还有1个小时,我就要关闭问题了写的好的,我会追加200分,一定,放心好了 符合实际!5句一篇最好,还有2小时! 速求作文题材,有关陌生人之间的关爱要身边的事,题材就行了,一个小时后没有满意的就关闭问题, 出水管进水管问题求答一个水池有一个出水管,一个进水管.单开进水管5小时可注满水池,单开出水管8小时可将一满池水放完.如果开1小时进水管后将进水管关闭,再开1小时出水管后将出水管关 求关于一题数学的水池问题(工程问题),用方程解设,并解出甲水管12小时可注满水池,乙水管16小时可注满水池,排水管15小时可把满水池的水放完.甲、乙两管同时开6小时后,关闭乙管,并打开 关于《安全教育》征文 谁知道 急``````!两个小时内要两个小时后就关闭十点就关闭 小学数学注水问题一个水池由甲乙两个注水管,同时打开甲乙4小时后,关闭乙管,甲六小时把水注满.已知甲注2.5小时等于已注两小时,求单独开甲乙多少小时可以把水池注满? 一个水池有甲、乙两个进水管,同时打开甲、乙两管4小时后,关闭乙管,甲管又用了6小时把水池注满.已知甲管开2小时30分与乙管开2小时的注水量相同,求单独开甲管和单独开乙管各需要几小时 一个水池有甲乙两个进水管,同时打开甲乙四小时后,关闭乙管,甲管又用六小时把水池注满,已知甲管开2小时30分与乙管开2小时的注水量相同,求单独开甲乙需要几小时把空水注满 一水池装有ABC三个水管,单开A管,18小时注满水池,单开B管12小时注满水池,单开C管,则满池水27小时流尽,现在池子是空的,先单开A管1小时后关闭A管,再开B管1小时后关闭B管,再开C管1小时后关闭C管, 用3点确定一个线性拟合函数!12小时后关闭问题!求高速!用(0,1)(1,1)(2,3) 3点确定一个线性拟合函数!这个线性函数是一次函数!还有人回答吗?准确性? 净水机造了好几个小时的水后,压力罐水满了都,但是不停机,关闭压力罐阀门后,就停机,是什么部件的问题 关于朋友告别的诗句 2小时后关闭 北师大版数学八年级上第一章勾股定理15页的习题1.3的第2题怎么写最好有过程,写得好再加50分!1小时后回答无效!已关闭 初中数学注水的问题一个水池有甲 乙两个注水管 同时打开甲乙4小时后 关闭乙管 甲6小时侯把水注满 已知 甲开2.5小时和乙开2小时的注水量相同,求单独开 甲乙分别要几小时能把水池注满? 描写事物变化非常快的成语(答得好悬赏10,1小时之内关闭问题)例如:千变万化.