请问这样的作文,在雅思学术类考试中可以得几分呢?请用力拍砖,给我建议吧.问题应该是有些人认为工业是否应该投资教育.Along with the development of industrialization and globalization,an ever increasing peop

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:04:44
请问这样的作文,在雅思学术类考试中可以得几分呢?请用力拍砖,给我建议吧.问题应该是有些人认为工业是否应该投资教育.Along with the development of industrialization and globalization,an ever increasing peop
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请问这样的作文,在雅思学术类考试中可以得几分呢?请用力拍砖,给我建议吧.问题应该是有些人认为工业是否应该投资教育.Along with the development of industrialization and globalization,an ever increasing peop
Along with the development of industrialization and globalization,an ever increasing people hold the view that industry should take more responsibility for education.In my opinion,I found myself in agreement of it.The reason for thinking this will be given in this essay.
Education plays a more significant role in industry.The reason for why it is vital is that we can never emphasize the importance of technological innovation too much.Only with higher and better machine,can we product better goods and create a better life.In fact,it is the industry that is the most essential part of a country.For example,if some so-called by-products can be recycled by a new machine,we can stop wasting any more and improve the value of the raw material in the same time.However,a new machine needs to be invented by professor who has accepted a higher education.
Moreover,education is necessary to help industry to decrease their cost on new machine imported overseas or employing a professor from other companies or countries.Nevertheless,some people may be firmly convinced that it will cost more to invest education than to employ experts or buying a new machine.In fact,they are just oversimplifying the situation.Although in the short term they are may be right,they are wrong if it is in the long term.Investing in education will be the best choice and spend less money than other ways.What’s more,companies also cultivate their own professors and experts,as well as new machine,which can be exported or employed by other companies and countries for making money.
All in all,industry should do more duties in education in terms of investing.Not only making more and more money in a long term but also declining the dependence of exporting.

请问这样的作文,在雅思学术类考试中可以得几分呢?请用力拍砖,给我建议吧.问题应该是有些人认为工业是否应该投资教育.Along with the development of industrialization and globalization,an ever increasing peop

请问这样的作文,在雅思学术类考试中可以得几分呢?请用力拍砖,给我建议吧.问题应该是有些人认为工业是否应该投资教育.Along with the development of industrialization and globalization,an ever increasing peop 请问这样的作文在雅思学术类考试中,可以拿几分.请用力拍砖.请点评.some people believe that those who are not talented in language learning should not be required to learn a foreign language.What is your opinion~Arguments arou 请用力拍砖.提出缺点不足.如果可以的话.估计下这样的作文能在雅思学术考试中得几分?Money for postgraduate research is limited.Therefore,some people think financial support from the government should only be provided fo 雅思A(学术类),小作文,有书信类吗?rt字写得差 怎么办?应急的办法有吗? 在中国买的雅思剑3.书籍适合在英国考雅思吗?我的是学术类的,请问和国内一样吗?本人打算在英国 请问下专家,大气中二氧化碳的主要来源是什么?要全面点得,学术引用. 雅思作文模板请大家帮我找个雅思学术类task1模版吧 关于雅思作文词汇 我在准备雅思作文 背了很多高分词汇 但到真正写的时候往往用不上 求如何再考试时可以用上这些高分词汇 或者说该如何训练才能达到这样的目标 我的政法干警申论作文跑题问题申论考试中给定了题目,让写“弘扬科学精神”什么的,而我,没看清题意,自拟了题目:“掀起学术打假浪潮,端正科学正气之风”,内容就是学术打假的问题,请问 雅思作文模板请问哪里可以载到好的雅思作文、写作模板. 请问雅思听力考试中这样的答案算错么?比如 measurements 少了个s ,sense of smell 写成了 smell一般来说这样的错误都会有 ,j急 感觉这种错误避免不了啊! 如何解析雅思写作(学术类) 我想在这次雅思写作考试中拿一个高分, 雅思平均分7.5在上海算什么水平?听力口语都是7.5,阅读8,写作6.5,平均7.5,这样的雅思水平进外企有优势吗?在上海算什么水平?我考的是A类,就是学术类。 您好!我想问一下雅思A类的作文应该怎么写比较好?我同学有背模板得7.5,请问有没有什么好的模板可以用的呢? 我这样的雅思成绩要复议吗?我2月19考得雅思 听力5.5 阅读5.5 写作6 口语5.5 我要求不高 只要求总分6就可以 我感觉我那次口语说的算正常 前两次考试口语考了5分和5.5 但是我那次说的比之前两 这样的雅思作文能得几分?说明:我的目标只是5至5.5 请问可以达到吗?some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer.作文如下In c 哪买雅思答案雅思是一种学术英文的考试.G类是有比较简单一些,但仍然要考生需要相当多的字汇与中上的英文能力.文法基础弱的同学(例如不知have+pp跟be+pp差在哪,或从头到尾现在式过去式分