
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:07:06
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I am longing for a travel in Sydney.Sydney is located in the southeastern Australia with a population of 4,200,000,and it is the most populous city of Australia.Sydney is also a very flourishing city with the famous Sydney Opera House、the Australia Museum and Australia University.You can see kangaroos there.And the climate in Sydney is comfortable.
1.渴望,非常期望:be longing for sth.
2.去……旅行,在……旅行:tralve in ……
3.位于,坐落于:be located ……
4.人口(数字):population (numbers)
7.悉尼歌剧院:Sydney Opera House
8.气候宜人:the climate is comfortable
有些时候翻译不能完全按照汉语逐字翻译,而是应该采取意译的方法,例如“You can see kangaroos there.”.

The city Sydney is really a good place that I want to visit very much.,which is located in the southeast of Australia.With the population of 420,000,0, it has the most of people in Australia,which mad...


The city Sydney is really a good place that I want to visit very much.,which is located in the southeast of Australia.With the population of 420,000,0, it has the most of people in Australia,which made it so flourishing. There are so many places that is valuable to see, such as Sydney Opera House , australia museum and Sydney university. In this beautiful city, you can see so many kinds of animas, especially the kangaroo. What,s more, the weather in Sydney is really comfortable for people to live or visit


on the beach
It was a sunny day. I went to Beidaihe with my parents. It took us about four hours to get there by car. There were thousands of people on the beach. Some were playing with the sand. ...


on the beach
It was a sunny day. I went to Beidaihe with my parents. It took us about four hours to get there by car. There were thousands of people on the beach. Some were playing with the sand. Some were boating and some were swimming in the sea. We walked on the beach for about two hours. Then we built a sand castle. We also picked up lots of beautiful shells. What a wonderful trip on the beach.
Last Weekend
I had a happy weekend last week.
On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents’ and my brother’s.
On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold.
This was last weekend.


I really want to go to Sydney tourism. It is located in southeastern Australia, has a population of 4200000, is Australia's most populous city. It is very busy, there is the famous Sydney Opera House, and Australian Museum and the University of Sydney. There can see kangaroos. The weather in Sydney.

英语翻译我非常想去悉尼旅游.它位于澳大利亚东南部,有420万人口,是澳大利亚人口最多的城市.它很繁华,有著名的悉尼歌剧院,还有澳大利亚博物馆和悉尼大学.那里可以看到袋鼠.悉尼气候宜 最近我特别想去悉尼旅游,翻译成英语 你什么时候要去的悉尼?我前年去的悉尼.这两句话用英语翻译. 英语作文 关于去悉尼旅游 我将会去旅游.英语翻译 英语作文 悉尼旅游假如你是李华,去年暑假你和父母去澳大利亚的悉尼旅游.两周的旅行给你留下了深刻的印象.请根据下列提示介绍余下悉尼:1.悉尼位于澳大利亚东南海岸,这里气候宜人、环 悉尼在什么季节去最好我要去悉尼 我和父母去黄山旅游英语翻译 用英语翻译:如果我去那,我将会看到我喜欢的悉尼歌剧院 想到澳大利亚悉尼旅游, 英语翻译我非常喜欢英语这门语言,并且一直努力的去掌握它. 英语翻译应该是我想去旅游 英语翻译我已经回到中国了,非常感谢五天中你对我的照顾.我的父母看了你的照片,他们说你很漂亮.明年你或你的家人来中国吗,要是来的话一定要告诉我哦.去了悉尼之后发现我更喜欢墨尔本 5句话,中译英!我有一个旅游计划,暑假我要和我的家人去悉尼.我们要去看袋鼠和考拉,它们都很可爱.我们还要去悉尼歌剧院,那里很著名.我相信我们一定会玩的很开心.我很高兴,因为明天就是 英语翻译我住在北京,它是我们国家的首都,它位于中国的北方,北京夏天热,冬天冷,这是一座大城市,它拥有12000000人口,我非常喜欢北京那里有许多高楼大厦和公园,北京以天安门广场长城颐和园 去悉尼买什么 去悉尼买什么 英语翻译翻译在寒假期间(during the winter holidays)我、我的老师和我的部分同学去了澳大利亚悉尼市